Щастливи за ръка Happy to hand

Children and Adolescents 0/0
13 Donors
706.35 EUR donated from 3835 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Надежда Райчева
Сдружение "Паралелен свят",град Пловдив
End date
Available amount
-0 EUR
Надежда Райчева organizes a campaign for Сдружение "Паралелен свят",град Пловдив
Available amount
-0 EUR

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

25th October 2023
Дойде дългоочаквания момент. Утре младежите летят за Италия за да участват във фестивала Happy Hand on The Road Caserta. Благодаря на всички дарители, които подадоха ръка на нашите деца и им дариха усмивки и щастие! Бъдете здрави и благословени! ❤️ The long-awaited moment has come. Tomorrow the young people fly to Italy to participate in the Happy Hand on The Road Caserta festival. Thank you to all the donors who gave a hand to our children and gave them smiles and happiness! Be healthy and blessed! ❤️
1380.31 BGN Paid amount to the beneficiary
1.2 BGN Transaction fee

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