Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
161 Donors
10468.58 EUR donated from 38026 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Елеонора Кръстева
Петя Красимирова Григорова
End date
Available amount
53.82 EUR
Елеонора Кръстева organizes a campaign for Петя Красимирова Григорова
Available amount
53.82 EUR

Одобрено изплащане Payment approved

11th April 2024
На 31.03. Петя замина за Истанбул за първия контролен преглед. Петя се чувстваше много добре, като пристигнаха там. На следващия ден имаше запазен час и след обстоен преглед и изследвания се установи, че има стеснения на жлъчните канали и се наложи да ѝ направят операция и да сложат стендове на жлъчните канали. След процедурата я изписаха и на следващия ден се прибра в София. За съжаление получи възпаление и бе приета по спешност в Токуда. Установи се, че е цитомегаловирус и се налага да спрат имуносупресорите, които взима. Надяваме се да е в сигурни ръце и да се оправи бързо. Прилагам фактурите от престоя в Турция за хотелското настаняване, лекарства и храна. On 31.03. Petya went to Istanbul for the first control examination. Petya felt very well when they arrived there. She had an appointment booked the next day and after a thorough examination and tests it was found that she had bile duct strictures and they had to operate and put in bile duct stents. After the procedure she was discharged and went home to Sofia the next day. Unfortunately she got an inflammation and was admitted to Tokuda as an emergency. It was found to be cytomegalovirus and they had to stop the immunosuppressants she was taking. We hope she is in safe hands and gets better quickly. I am enclosing the invoices from the stay in Turkey for the hotel accommodation, medication and food.
Documents Total: 1 document
920.88 BGN Refunded costs
1.2 BGN Transaction fee

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