Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
276 Donors
28025.33 EUR donated from 35785 EUR
Снежина Дамянова
Пламен Бранимиров Кулов
End date
Ends in 64 days
Available amount
6566.18 EUR
Снежина Дамянова organizes a campaign for Пламен Бранимиров Кулов
Ends in 64 days
Available amount
6566.18 EUR

"На каквото и да ни учи живота,сърцето вярва в чудеса"❤️😇🙏 \"Whatever life teaches us, the heart believes in miracles\" ❤️😇🙏

19th December 2024

Благодарим ви мили хора🙏😇❤️

Вие сте чудото,което има силата да спасява животи,да променя съдби😇❤️...

Вие сте тези,които укрепват вярата и даряват усмивки😇❤️

Вие сте тези,без които нищо до тук постигнатото не би било възможно🙏❤️😇

Остават 5 дни до Коледа❤️

Всички ние се лутаме из претъпканите улици и празни магазини...

Смирено нервничим в стремежа си да изберем онази абсолютно ненужна и напълно излишна вещ,която най-много би зарадвала любимите ни хора😇❤️

Ако дори за миг поспрем и се вслушаме в тишината...❤️

...бихме чули тихата молитва на едно малко момченце...,

...и на един любящ до болка баща❤️😇

Те имат нужда само да Бъдат❤️заедно😇❤️

Нека помогнем🙏🙏🙏

Нека бъдем добри...днес🙏🙏🙏

Нали на Коледа стават чудеса🧚💌🫂

Thank you kind people🙏😇❤️

You are the miracle that has the power to save lives, change lives😇❤️...

You are the ones who strengthen faith and give smiles😇❤️

You are the ones,without whom nothing that has been achieved so far would be possible🙏❤️😇

5 days to go Коледа❤️

We all wander through the crowded streets and empty shops...

We are humbly nervous in our quest to choose that absolutely unnecessary and completely redundant item that would make our loved ones most happy😇❤️

If we pause even for a moment and listen to the silence...❤️

...we would hear the silent prayer of a little boy...,

...and of a loving to the point of pain баща❤️😇

They only need to Бъдат❤️заедно😇❤️

Let's help🙏🙏🙏

Let's be kind...today🙏🙏

Miracles do happen at Christmas🧚💌🫂

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

It's easy to donate

6 easy ways to make your donation - bank card, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

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In the News section you will find information from the initiators of the campaigns.

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PavelAndreev.ORG is the safest platform to organize your next campaign.