Articles - What we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help children with autism
21st September 2023

What we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help children with autism

Children with autism need special attention and support to develop a full life. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects children's communicatio...

Articles - What we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages
21st September 2023
What we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages

Children deprived of parental care are a vulnerable group. They face many challenges and difficulties. These children, for a variety of reasons, have been separated from their biological parents and forced to live in children's homes or foster families. Do you know what orphaned and parentless children face? Very often children deprived of families are subjected to physical, emotional and social problems. They face a lack of stability and secur...

Articles - Fundraising for Student Loans - the important things you need to know
21st September 2023
Fundraising for Student Loans - the important things you need to know

Every year, thousands of students need financial assistance to finance their education and resulting needs. Many times, to be able to cover the costs of education, they resort to a student loan. On the one hand, this is a good move because it brings with it a number of advantages, but on the other hand it can be like a double-edged sword. What you need to know about student loans A student loan is one of the most common ways to finance educatio...

Articles - How to help children and young people affected by a disaster
21st September 2023
How to help children and young people affected by a disaster

Times of disasters and natural elements can be disastrous, both to our homes and all property. However, it sometimes leaves indelible marks on the most fragile of creatures - children. We've all heard expressions like, "We can't fight nature," "Mother Nature knows her job," but unfortunately, the elements can take much more than our material possessions. They hurt physically and mentally. The memories of a natural disaster are often indelible....

Articles - Fundraising for disadvantaged children and young people - step by step
21st September 2023

Fundraising for disadvantaged children and young people - step by step

Times of disaster and crisis can leave children disadvantaged. These children need extra support and help. Fundraising for these children is one of the most effective ways to help them. In this article, we will provide you with some step-by-step guidelines for successful fundraising for disadvantaged children. Where and how can we fundraise for disadvantaged children and young people Charity may not be the only goal of non-profit organizations...

Articles - What financial difficulties children from vulnerable groups face and how to help their education
18th September 2023

What financial difficulties children from vulnerable groups face and how to help their education

Children from vulnerable groups - do you know who they are and why they need our support? Before we go into the depths of this deep topic, let us tell you a little more about them. There are a large number of children in our society who are in vulnerable groups and struggle with a number of challenges. The hardships these children face are, for many of us, distant, foreign in nature and even unthinkable. These children are exposed to adverse con...

Articles - How to raise money when our child needs expensive treatment
18th September 2023

How to raise money when our child needs expensive treatment

In times of unexpected health challenges, such as those affecting our children, we may need to raise a significant amount of money to provide necessary treatment. It's nice to have "money set aside for bad or good," although not everyone manages to save these days. And, even if it does happen, no one plans to use savings for this kind of expense, namely medical care. However, when it comes to children, and they are the most expensive, everyone i...

Articles - What are the biggest challenges in raising funds for a child in need?
18th September 2023

What are the biggest challenges in raising funds for a child in need?

Raising funds for a child in need is a deed to be admired, but you may face significant challenges along the way. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the biggest hurdles that anyone embarking on the difficult path of creating better lives for children can go through. And before we delve into the topic, let's mention that there are real challenges everywhere. Obstacles, setbacks and stumbling blocks are around every corner. The importan...

Articles - How to help parents of children and young people who have undergone another serious operation
18th September 2023

How to help parents of children and young people who have undergone another serious operation

When a child goes through a difficult operation, parents experience a mix of emotions - anxiety, fear, worry and uncertainty. In these moments, it is important to provide every kind of help from moral to financial support. One of the best ways to help the parents of a child who has undergone major surgery is by organising a fundraising campaign. It is important to remember here that in this type of situation, you need to be especially careful an...

Articles - How to make a killing for special needs children and youth How to attract donors
18th September 2023

How to make a killing for special needs children and youth How to attract donors

According to statistics, nine out of ten visitors to a donation platform on the Internet are interested in how to write a letter, how to make a killer campaign to attract donors and get a positive response. What do you need to tell a donor in your letter onchildren and youth, how much money does it take for special children to get someone interested? Today we're going to tell you a little more about that. A series of posts is devoted to the cont...

Articles - How can we raise money and help children and young people in sport?
18th September 2023

How can we raise money and help children and young people in sport?

In every community there are talents in sport who need support and opportunities to develop their potential. Children and young people are one category whose talents should not be wasted. Many times there is so much at stake in them that only the future can tell what heights they can rise to. Alas, in many cases something is always in the way and to our great regret the financial side is not to be ignored at all. The answer to the question of ho...

Articles - Fundraising to support mental health for children
18th September 2023

Fundraising to support mental health for children

At a time when more and more children are confronted with the stressful situations that adults are subjected to, there is also a great risk to their mental health. In such cases, fundraising to support children's well-being becomes increasingly important. As a result, charity campaigns are springing up to raise money to help children and young people. Fundraising for mental health support for children - why it's important and how we can be of he...