Articles - Fundraising campaign for horse riding for children with disabilities - what you need to know
20th November 2023

Fundraising campaign for horse riding for children with disabilities - what you need to know

Did you know that children with disabilities who participate in horseback riding have unique opportunities to develop their physical, mental and socia...

Articles - 13 Ways to Raise Awareness for a Charitable Cause for Sexually Abused Children and Youth
10th November 2023
13 Ways to Raise Awareness for a Charitable Cause for Sexually Abused Children and Youth

Sexual violence is one of the most horrific forms of physical and psychological abuse found in all societies around the world. This crime leaves a lasting imprint on victims, who struggle with the consequences, throughout their lives. In this article, we will look at all groups of people who are subjected to sexual violence, focusing rightly on the most vulnerable - children. Here we will also introduce the importance in providing support and he...

Fund for treatment of children abroad - Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Together for Ana-Maria campaign
9th November 2023
Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Together for Ana-Maria campaign

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Together for Ana-Maria campaign. 18880BGN.

Articles - Financial help with crowdfunding campaign for sexually abused children
8th November 2023
Financial help with crowdfunding campaign for sexually abused children

"Sexual assault" is a term used these days to describe any form of sexual activity committed without the consent of the responding party. It is not a phrase that is heard often in everyday life and many people are not sure exactly what it means and whether what has happened to them 'counts'. Victims of sexual violence include mostly women and children. Today we will talk in more detail about the most vulnerable - sexually abused children. We hop...

Articles - Top charity ideas for sexually abused children
8th November 2023

Top charity ideas for sexually abused children

The Sexually Abused Children's Charity is critical to provide support and assistance to these children and their families. There are some ways you can help too. Today, the Pavel Andreev Foundation and I are going to tell you a little bit more about that: Content: Why start a charity for sexually abused children; What should I consider when asking for money for sexually abused children? How do I write a fundraising story for sexually abus...

Articles - Which donation site to choose to raise funds for sports kids
6th November 2023

Which donation site to choose to raise funds for sports kids

Have you ever thought about how vast the benefits of sport are for children and young people? Along with the harmonious physical development that each sport discipline offers, it educates, builds on and teaches dozens and hundreds of things that are important in the future of the young. Today with the Pavel Andreev Foundation we will reveal the other side of things, namely - Which donation site to choose to raise funds for sports children. Cont...

Articles - How a Fundraising Campaign for Race for Kids Can Help You
6th November 2023

How a Fundraising Campaign for Race for Kids Can Help You

It doesn't matter if it's a small or large group of kids playing sports. All that matters is how hard you try to raise funds for their sports team so they can compete in their dream competition. If you too are faced with a similar dilemma and want to support a children's or youth club or team, things won't be any different, in fact quite the opposite. You may be able to find donors who are willing to give more quickly than you thought. In this c...

Articles - How to organize a charity campaign to raise funds for a children's team
6th November 2023

How to organize a charity campaign to raise funds for a children's team

Sport for children and young people has an important role to play in developing their social skills, which are essential throughout their lives. When children and young people play sport they learn how to cooperate and work as a team. This helps them to listen to others and not think only about themselves. Alongside this, through sport adolescents make friends and become social beings outside the home and school. Content: Advice and recommend...

Articles - Need financial help to equip a children's sports club - a crowdfunding campaign could be helpful
6th November 2023

Need financial help to equip a children's sports club - a crowdfunding campaign could be helpful

The importance of sport in human life is seen from different perspectives in relation to adults and children. Its benefits, however, are undeniable for any age. For the very young, physical activity is a way of discovering the environment. As they grow older, they become interested in organized sports activities. Sports competition is useful for adolescents because it helps them manage physical activity in sports competitions. Sportsmanship and...

Articles - How to ask for donations for a child with cancer. 8 steps guide
6th November 2023

How to ask for donations for a child with cancer. 8 steps guide

Donations for a child with cancer make a huge difference and can change the life of the patient and their family. Cancer is a serious disease that requires intensive treatment and care. Sometimes the costs are so high that the parents cannot cover them themselves, that is when donation campaigns are of great help. Donations raised from a charity campaign can help a child get the necessary treatment, medication and check-ups that are essential in...

Articles - Campaign to raise funds for childhood cancer research
6th November 2023

Campaign to raise funds for childhood cancer research

Cancer in children is an increasingly common disease. It has even become in the past years something of an epidemic. It has been the subject of constant research and studies, with the aim of finding effective methods of diagnosis and treatment for children and adolescents under the age of 15. One of those studies is the clinical studies that are done in pediatric oncology. They are organized in order to improve current methods to discover new pos...

Articles - Fundraising campaign to buy a guide dog. Everything you need to know
30th October 2023

Fundraising campaign to buy a guide dog. Everything you need to know

Raising a guide dog is a significant undertaking that requires both time and financial resources. The cost of purchasing and raising a guide dog can vary depending on several factors, including the breed of dog, the cost of veterinary care and the cost of training. In some countries, guide and assistance dogs are provided free of charge to citizens, after the necessary training for handling and living. However, before the actual work of training...