Articles - Fundraising campaign to buy a guide dog. Everything you need to know
30th October 2023

Fundraising campaign to buy a guide dog. Everything you need to know

Raising a guide dog is a significant undertaking that requires both time and financial resources. The cost of purchasing and raising a guide dog can v...

Articles - Three ideas for a successful fundraising campaign to buy a guide dog
28th October 2023
Three ideas for a successful fundraising campaign to buy a guide dog

Guide dogs are specially trained breeds that help people with visual impairments or total blindness by serving as their guides and directing them to move around different locations to perform daily tasks. These dogs have specific traits and talents that contribute to them recognizing dangers and obstacles and thus contribute to the safety of their owners. Here are some interesting facts about guide dogs: Training a guide dog takes nearly 18...

Articles - Best practices for purchasing a guide dog through a fundraising campaign
28th October 2023
Best practices for purchasing a guide dog through a fundraising campaign

Do you know what a guide dog is? It's a human assistant with an animal background who is trained to guide and help people with disabilities or in specific needs. These dogs are trained to provide support and assistance to people, such as leading the blind; helping people with mobility impairments get around or even helping those with mental disabilities. In this chapter, we will look at how you can plan to purchase a four-legged dog to help a pe...

Articles - How to ask for donations with a fundraising campaign for a mental health center for children
26th October 2023
How to ask for donations with a fundraising campaign for a mental health center for children

Mental disorders among children are described as serious changes expressed in the way young ones usually learn, behave or cope with their emotions. This often leads to distress and problems in daily life. Many children sometimes experience fears and worries and sometimes have unexplained behaviour. If the symptoms are severe and persistently interfere with their activities at school, at home or at play, the child may be diagnosed with a mental di...

Articles - Financial support for a mental health centre for children. What you need to know
25th October 2023

Financial support for a mental health centre for children. What you need to know

Being mentally healthy and resilient during childhood means reaching the stages needed for social, emotional and psychological development. This involves learning a range of social skills and how to cope on your own when you have problems. Healthy children physically and mentally have positive lives. When all is well there, adolescents know how to function well at home, at school and among their communities. Content: What you need to know a...

Articles - Ideas to raise awareness of trafficking in children and women through a fundraising campaign
25th October 2023

Ideas to raise awareness of trafficking in children and women through a fundraising campaign

Human trafficking is one of the most dangerous and violent forms of crime affecting many people around the world. It is when someone uses other people for their own benefit, exploiting them and taking away their freedom. Human traffickers are many and use different methods to attract and control their victims. They may use physical violence, psychological abuse or economic dependency to hold their captives captive, taking away their identity docu...

Articles - Crowdfunding campaign to help children and women victims of human trafficking
25th October 2023

Crowdfunding campaign to help children and women victims of human trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the most heinous forms of crime affecting many people around the world. These are situations where someone uses other people for their own benefit, exploiting and controlling them. Together with the Pavel Andreev Foundation, let us learn a little more about this kind of crime and how we can be involved in the fight against it. Content: What is human trafficking; How to fight trafficking of children and women th...

Articles - How to ask for donations for children and women caught up in human trafficking
25th October 2023

How to ask for donations for children and women caught up in human trafficking

Perhaps you've heard all the news about human trafficking? Today, we are going to take a closer look at this contemporary and massively pressing issue. Human trafficking is a type of trade, the exploitation of people or the illegal kidnapping of people, from one country to another. This can include forced flight, trafficking for sexual exploitation, labour exploitation or other forms of violence and abuse. Human trafficking is a serious violatio...

Articles - The best crowdfunding platform for your next fundraising campaign against child and women trafficking
25th October 2023

The best crowdfunding platform for your next fundraising campaign against child and women trafficking

Perhaps you've heard of human trafficking? Do you know how and when to help in this type of crime? Let us tell you a little more about it, and present the work and assistance of the Pavel Andreev Foundation. Content: What is human trafficking and how many forms there are; How we can fight trafficking of children and women through charitable causes; How fundraising can help against trafficking of children and women; Tips for choosing th...

Articles - How to write a compelling story to raise funds for food for poor children
25th October 2023

How to write a compelling story to raise funds for food for poor children

You know, your story about raising money for food for poor children should answer basic questions. These are the kinds of questions any reader would ask, namely: who, what, where, when, how and why? And, before we cover each of these individually, let's understand some basics: Content: Benefits of raising funds for food for children from underprivileged families; Key factors and ideas to consider when fundraising for food for underprivileg...

Articles - ideas to start a campaign to raise funds for lunch for children from poor families
25th October 2023

ideas to start a campaign to raise funds for lunch for children from poor families

Do you know who the children from poor families are? These are those who live in conditions of social or economic need. Their families struggle with the lack of sufficient financial resources. They often have difficulty in accessing basic services such as education and health care, and they also very often have limited opportunities to develop and fulfil their potential. These children need our support. We will talk about how we can provide them...

Articles - How to run a fundraising campaign for children and young people from minority groups
19th October 2023

How to run a fundraising campaign for children and young people from minority groups

How often when you do something enjoyable (eat, rest, have fun, laugh, etc.) do you think about how minority children and youth live? Perhaps the answer to this question put you in an awkward position, but we at the Pavel Andreev Foundation have the idea to tell you about the other side of life. What you don't think you know is here. In this article, we will introduce you to who minority children and youth are, what their needs are, and the diff...