Erfolgsgeschichten - You Gave Eva a Chance to Fulfill Her Dreams!

You Gave Eva a Chance to Fulfill Her Dreams!

Eva is a 15-year-old bright and talented girl who loves music, art, and dreams of the big stage. Eva faced her greatest challenge - the fight for her life.

Born with a heart malformation, Eva had already undergone two surgeries. Unfortunately, the titanium valve placed during the second intervention began to threaten her life, requiring an urgent new operation.

Acibadem Bakirkoy Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, and a team of specialists were ready to help her, but the sum of €34,250 was beyond the reach of her family. And here you stepped in - angels of hope, our incredible donors!

We are delighted to share that Eva was successfully operated on! She is now out of the hospital and recovering, staying in Istanbul for another week for follow-up appointments. Most importantly, she feels well!

💚 Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!