Support for the Draganov Family/Помощ за сем. Драганови Support for the Draganov Family Draganov Family

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Support for the Draganov Family/Помощ за сем. Драганови Support for the Draganov Family Draganov Family

8 Spender:innen
1965.49 EUR gespendet aus 1790 EUR
Diese Kampagne hat geendet. Verfolgen Sie den Bereich, um über sie und die Transaktionen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben (falls die Transaktionen fehlen, heißt das, dass die Kampagne noch nicht bezahlt wurde).
Pavel Draganov
Павел Драганов
Disponible Summe
Pavel Draganov organisiert Kampagne für Павел Драганов
Disponible Summe

Моля вижте по-долу за българска версия. Кампанията е двуезична, тъй като е разпространена в и извън България. Благодарим ви за подкрепата!

**Support for the Draganov Family** On May 20, the Draganov family faced an unimaginable loss with the passing of their beloved daughter, Annie. At just 15 years old, Annie touched countless lives with her beautiful soul. She is deeply missed by her older brother, Drago, her younger sister, Maya, and everyone who knew her from New York to California to Bulgaria. We are raising funds to help the Draganov family with funeral and other expenses during this difficult time. Your generous donation will provide much-needed support and comfort. Please consider contributing to this campaign. Thank you for your kindness and support.

**Подкрепа за семейство Драганови**

На 20 май семейство Драганови претърпяха немислима загуба на тяхната обичана дъщеря, Ани. Само на 15 години, Ани докосна безброй сърца с прекрасната си душа. Тя ще липсва на своя по-голям брат, Драго, на малката си сестра, Мая, и на всички, които я познаваха от Ню Йорк до Калифорния и България.

Събираме средства, за да помогнем на семейство Драганови с разходите по погребението и други разноски в този труден момент. Вашето щедро дарение ще предостави необходима подкрепа и утеха. Благодарим ви за вашата доброта и подкрепа!

Please see below for Bulgarian version. The campaign is bilingual as it is distributed in and outside Bulgaria. Thank you for your support!

**Support for the Draganov Family** On May 20, the Draganov family faced an unimaginable loss with the passing of their beloved daughter, Annie. At just 15 years old, Annie touched countless lives with her beautiful soul. She is deeply missed by her older brother, Drago, her younger sister, Maya, and everyone who knew her from New York to California to Bulgaria. We are raising funds to help the Dragan family with funeral and other expenses during this difficult time. Your generous donation will provide much-needed support and comfort. Please consider contributing to this campaign. Thank you for your kindness and support.

**Support for the Draganov family**

On May 20, the Dragans suffered the unthinkable loss of their beloved daughter, Annie. At only 15 years old, Annie touched countless hearts with her beautiful soul. She will be missed by her older brother, Drago, little sister, Maya, and all who knew her from New York to California to Bulgaria.

We are raising funds to help the Dragans with funeral and other expenses at this difficult time. Your generous donation will provide needed support and comfort. Thank you for your kindness and support!

Mehr sehen
20. Juni 2024
Pavel Draganov organisiert Kampagne für Павел Драганов
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Закриване на кампанията. Благодарим на всички. Closing of the campaign. Thank you all.
97.59 EUR Ausgezahlte Summe an den Benefizienten
0.61 EUR Transaktinsgebühr
13. Juni 2024
Pavel Draganov organisiert Kampagne für Павел Драганов
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
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