👼 Щастливо детство за Никола 👼 Happy childhood to Nikola

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 1/2

👼 Щастливо детство за Никола 👼 Happy childhood to Nikola

63 Spender:innen
2272.96 EUR gespendet aus 35075 EUR
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Ралица Панайотова
Никола Ивайлов Узунов
Disponible Summe
Ралица Панайотова organisiert Kampagne für Никола Ивайлов Узунов
Disponible Summe

Благотворителна кампания за Никола

Ние сме Ралица Панайотова и Ивайло Узунов. Ще ви разкажем историята на нашият син Никола.
Ники е вече на 7г. Беше на 2г.когато разбрахме, че нещо не е нормално в развитието му. Нямаше говор, нямаше очния контакт, пърхаше с ръце, само се въргаляше по земята, не си играеше с нищо и блуждаеше някъде. Тогава се почна ходенето по лекари, един казва едно, друг казва друго. Ту е аутизъм, ту не е, а ние тотално се объркахме. Почнахме да го водим по уроци при специалист:логопед, психолог,педагог, ерготерапевт, боуентерапия, хипотерапия, плуване, метална аритметика, йога и т.н имаме няколко барокамери и от всичко това има голям напредък в развитието. Вече говори има някой работи, които още не разбира, очния контакт го има водим диалог има много знания, но не иска да ги прилага започва да се тръшка и да плаче. Оказа се че е в аутистичния спектър "Смесени специфични разстройства в психологичното развитие". На Ники му трябва съвсем малко и последната ни надежда са стволови клетки.

Обръщам се към всички вас приятели, познати и  непознати нека да помогнем на Ники да бъде поне нормално дете, да му дадем лъч надежда да се оправи, защото наистина му трябва малко, за да излезе от това състояние, да излезе от своя собствен свят и да дойде в нашия нормален свят.

❤️ Благодаря ви, бъдете Благословени! ❤️

Сумата, която е нужна за една вливка е 10,000€, а на нас са ни нужни поне 3 вливки и сума за път и престой.


Charity fundriser for Nikola

We are Ralitsa Panayotova and Ivaylo Uzunov. We'il tell you the story of our son Nicola.
Nicky's 7 years old. He was 2 years old when we found out something wasn't normal in his development. He had no speech, no eye contact, he was fluttering with his hands, he was just rolling around the ground, he wasn't playing with anything, and he was wandering around. Then the doctors started walking, one says another. It's autism, it's not like we're totally confused. We started taking him more lessons with a specialist: speech therapist, psychologist, educator,ergotherapist, bowentherapy, hypotherapy, swimming, metal arithmetic, yoga, etc. we have several baroque meters and from all this there is great progress in development. Already talking there is someone working who still does not understand, eye contact has it having a dialogue has a lot of knowledge but does not want to apply them begins to slam and roar. It turned out to be on the autism spectrum "Mixed specific disorders in psychological development.

Nicky needs very little, and our last hope is stem cells. I turn to all of you friends, acquaintances and strangers, let's help Nikki be at least a little normal child, give him a ray of hope to get better because he really needs a little to get out of this state, get out of his own world and come into our normal world. Thank you be blessed.

Charity campaign for Nikola

We are Ralitsa Panayotova and Ivaylo Uzunov. We will tell you the story of our son Nikola.
Niki is now 7 years old. He was 2 when we realized that something was not normal in his development. He had no speech, no eye contact, fluttered his hands, just rolled on the ground, did not play with anything and wandered somewhere. Then the going to doctors started, one saying one thing, another saying another. Now it was autism, now it wasn't, and we were totally confused. We started taking him to specialist classes:speech therapist, psychologist,educator, occupational therapist, bowen therapy, hippotherapy, swimming, metal arithmetic, yoga, etc we have a few baro chambers and from all of this there has been great developmental progress. Now he is talking there are some things he doesn't understand yet, eye contact has him having a dialogue he has a lot of knowledge but doesn't want to apply it he starts to fidget and cry. It turned out that he is on the autism spectrum "Mixed specific disorders in psychological development". Nicky needs very little and our last hope is stem cells.

I appeal to all of you friends, acquaintances and strangers let's help Nicky to be at least a normal child, let's give him a ray of hope to get better, because he really needs a little to come out of this condition, to come out of his own world and come into our normal world.

❤️ Thank you, be Blessed! ❤️

The amount needed for one infusion is 10,000€ and we need at least 3 infusions and an amount for travel and stay.


Charity fundraiser for Nikola

We are Ralitsa Panayotova and Ivaylo Uzunov. We'il tell you the story of our son Nicola.
Nicky's 7 years old. He was 2 years old when we found out something wasn't normal in his development. He had no speech, no eye contact, he was fluttering with his hands, he was just rolling around the ground, he wasn't playing with anything, and he was wandering around. Then the doctors started walking, one says another. It's autism, it's not like we're totally confused. We started taking him more lessons with a specialist: speech therapist, psychologist, educator,occupational therapist, bowentherapy, hypotherapy, swimming, metal arithmetic, yoga, etc. we have several baroque meters and from all this there is great progress in development. Already talking there is someone working who still does not understand, eye contact has it having a dialogue has a lot of knowledge but does not want to apply them begins to slam and roar. It turned out to be on the autism spectrum "Mixed specific disorders in psychological development.

Nicky needs very little, and our last hope is stem cells. I turn to all of you friends, acquaintances and strangers, let's help Nikki be at least a little normal child, give him a ray of hope to get better because he really needs a little to get out of this state, get out of his own world and come into our normal world. Thank you be blessed.

Mehr sehen
17. August 2023
Ралица Панайотова organisiert Kampagne für Никола Ивайлов Узунов
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Благодаря на всички които помогнаха за Ники. Thank you to everyone who helped Nicky.
265.5 BGN Zahlung auf Rechnung
40 BGN Transaktionsgebühr
20. Februar 2023
Ралица Панайотова organisiert Kampagne für Никола Ивайлов Узунов
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Благодаря на всички които помогнаха да осъществим втората вливка в Турция. На 20.02 започваме процедурите. Бъдете благословени. Thank you to everyone who helped make the second infusion in Turkey happen. On 20.02 we start the procedures. Be blessed.
435.99 BGN Zahlung auf Rechnung
40 BGN Transaktionsgebühr
4. August 2022
Ралица Панайотова organisiert Kampagne für Никола Ивайлов Узунов
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Благодаря на всички дарители за помощта да съберем сумата за първата вливка на Ники. Продължаваме напред. Бъдете благословени. Thank you to all donors for helping us raise the money for Nikki's first infusion. Moving forward. Be blessed.
3624.02 BGN Zahlung auf Rechnung
40 BGN Transaktionsgebühr
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