Дари живот за Тита Donate life for Tita

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
1965 Donors
59032.33 EUR donated from 150000 EUR
Диляна Пилева
Христина Тодорова Цвяткова
End date
Ends in 29 days
Available amount
2946.33 EUR
Диляна Пилева organizes a campaign for Христина Тодорова Цвяткова
Ends in 29 days
Available amount
2946.33 EUR

Одобрено изплащане към KOC UNIVERSITESI Approved repayment to KOC UNIVERSITESI

12th February 2025
На 19.2. предстои третата поред вливка на Тита, за целта са необходими 20000 евро, от които ще бъдат използвани 16000 евро от средствата, набрани по кампанията, а остатъка от сумата ще бъде внесен от събрани от роднини пари. След което ще бъде нужно отново да се обединим около нейното оздравяване! Огромно благодаря на всички, които са помогнали и продължават да го правят! On 19.2. the third Tita's infusion will take place, for this purpose 20,000 euros are needed, of which 16,000 euros will be used from the funds raised by the campaign, and the rest of the amount will be contributed by money collected from relatives. After which we will need to rally around her recovery again! A huge thank you to everyone who has helped and continues to do so!
16000 EUR Payment of invoice
26 EUR Transaction fee

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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