Заедно с ВИЛИ в борбата с рака Together with VILI in the fight against cancer

Tedavi, İlaç ve Rehabilitasyon 0/0
593 Bağışçılar
28176.11 EUR 160000 EUR ‘dan bağışlanan
Rosica Marinkova
Величка Иванова Маринкова
Bitiş tarihi
19 Gün sonra sona erecek
Mevcut tutar
6745.28 EUR
Rosica Marinkova için bir kampanya organize etmekte Величка Иванова Маринкова
19 Gün sonra sona erecek
Mevcut tutar
6745.28 EUR

Лечението продължава! The treatment continues! The treatment continues! The treatment continues!

20 Ekim 2024

Благодарим на всички за подкрепата, която получаваме ежедневно. Лечението продължава благодарение на всички ВАС, малки и големи дарители! ВИЕ направихте невъзможното възможно! Не спирайте да вярвате! Бог да напътства екипа за успешната терапия и да пази нашето усмихнато момиче! Бъдете здрави!


We thank everyone for the support we receive on a daily basis. The treatment continues thanks to all YOU, small and large contributors! YOU have made the impossible possible! Don't stop believing! May God guide the team for the successful therapy and protect our smiling girl! Be healthy!

Thank you all for the support we receive on a daily basis. The treatment continues thanks to all of YOU, donors big and small! YOU have made the impossible possible! Don't stop believing! May God guide the team to successful therapy and keep our smiling girl! Stay healthy!

We thank everyone for the support we receive on a daily basis. The treatment continues thanks to all YOU, small and large contributors! YOU have made the impossible possible! Don't stop believing! May God guide the team for the successful therapy and protect our smiling girl! Be healthy!

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