Заедно да помогнем на Слави Together to help Slavi

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33504.03 EUR 51129 EUR ‘dan bağışlanan
Светослав Валентинов Ценев
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103 Gün sonra sona erecek
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5188.76 EUR
Ивета Ценева için bir kampanya organize etmekte Светослав Валентинов Ценев
103 Gün sonra sona erecek
Mevcut tutar
5188.76 EUR

Информация от консултацията Information from consultatata

6 Mayıs 2024

Здравейте, приятели!

🍀🆘️🍀 ‼️На Слави бе направено 6-то вливане с "умно лекарство". Той също така се консултира с лекуващия си онколог относно болезнените пъпки и отоци, които изпитва по краката. След разговор с нея стана ясно, че това е ПОЛОЖИТЕЛЕН резултат от назначеното лечение. Проведена е и консултация с дерматолог, който назначи кръвни изследвания за наличие на инфекция, за да се предпише ПРАВИЛНО лечение, което да предотврати болката и Слави да продължи безпроблемно венозните вливания. Изследванията показаха, че има инфекция, породена от многото пъпки и наличието на гной в тях. Назначени са медицински кремове (със съдържание на антибиотик) и определена схема на лечение с тях.

‼️🍀‼️Благодарни сме на всички Вас, които сте до Слави в това поредно предизвикателство. Вашата подкрепа и упора му помагат в справянето и с тази трудност. Знаем, че благодарение на силата, която той получава от вас, той ще се справи и ще продължи лечението си безпроблемно.


🍀🆘️🍀 Hello, friends! 🍀🆘️🍀 ‼️🆘️‼️Slavi has undergone his 6th infusion with "smart medicine." He has also consulted with his treating oncologist regarding the painful pimples and swelling he is experiencing on his legs. After speaking with her, it became clear that this is a POSITIVE result of the prescribed treatment. A consultation with a dermatologist has also been conducted, who has ordered blood tests to check for infection in order to prescribe the CORRECT treatment to prevent pain and allow Slavi to continue his venous infusions smoothly. The tests revealed an infection caused by the numerous pimples and presence of pus in them. Medicated creams (containing antibiotics) have been prescribed along with a specific treatment plan. 🍀🆘️🍀 We are grateful to all of you who have been by Slavi's side during this latest challenge. Your support and determination are helping him overcome this difficulty. We know that thanks to the strength he receives from you, he will manage to continue his treatment smoothly. 🍀🙏🍀

Hello, friends!

🍀🆘️🍀 ‼️На Slavi had his 6th infusion of "smart medicine". He also consulted his oncologist about the painful pimples and swelling he is experiencing on his legs. After speaking with her, it was clear that this was a POSITIVE result of the treatment prescribed. A dermatologist was also consulted and blood tests were ordered to check for infection in order to prescribe the CORRECT treatment to prevent the pain and allow Slavi to continue the venous infusions without any problems. The tests showed that there was an infection caused by the many pimples and the presence of pus in them. Medical creams (containing antibiotic) were prescribed and a treatment regimen with them was determined.

‼️🍀‼️Благодарни are grateful to all of you who are by Slavi's side in this latest challenge. Your support and perseverance help him in coping with this difficulty as well. We know that thanks to the strength he receives from you, he will cope and continue his treatment without any problems.

🍀🆘️🍀 Hello, friends! 🍀🆘️🍀 ‼️🆘️‼️Slavi has undergone his 6th infusion with "smart medicine." He has also consulted with his treating oncologist regarding the painful pimples and swelling he is experiencing on his legs. After speaking with her, it became clear that this is a POSITIVE result of the prescribed treatment. A consultation with a dermatologist has also been conducted, who has ordered blood tests to check for infection in order to prescribe the CORRECT treatment to prevent pain and allow Slavi to continue his venous infusions smoothly. The tests revealed an infection caused by the numerous pimples and presence of pus in them. Medicated creams (containing antibiotics) have been prescribed along with a specific treatment plan. 🍀🆘️🍀 We are grateful to all of you who have been by Slavi's side during this latest challenge. Your support and determination are helping him overcome this difficulty. We know that thanks to the strength he receives from you, he will manage to continue his treatment smoothly. 🍀🙏🍀

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