To construct a new classroom block and to renovate the old classes at St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School in Uganda. To construct a new classroom block and to renovate the old classes at St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School in Uganda.

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To construct a new classroom block and to renovate the old classes at St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School in Uganda. To construct a new classroom block and to renovate the old classes at St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School in Uganda.

1 Bağışçılar
48.65 EUR 1000 EUR ‘dan bağışlanan
St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School
Bitiş tarihi
43 Gün sonra sona erecek
Mevcut tutar
48.65 EUR
St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School Kampanyanın organizatörüdür
43 Gün sonra sona erecek
Mevcut tutar
48.65 EUR

St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School is a fully non-profit government aided and Catholic founded located in Masaka diocese in Kalungu district of Uganda. It was started by white sister's in 1910 with the aim of educating a girl child in Uganda. Currently it has 700 pupils including the social and total orphans.

The school on behalf of Kalungu district local government of Uganda is requesting to partner with us in Uganda to assist our school in fundraising process for our school project of constructing a new classroom block and to renovate the old classes which were constructed by white sister's in 1910 to improve the teaching and learning environment at the school and also to achieve some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030(Education and poverty)and the Uganda Vision of 2040

St Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Primary School is a fully non-profit government aided and Catholic founded located in Masaka diocese in Kalungu district of Uganda. It was started by white sister's in 1910 with the aim of educating a girl child in Uganda. Currently it has 700 pupils including the social and total orphans.

The school on behalf of Kalungu district local government of Uganda is requesting to partner with us in Uganda to assist our school in fundraising process for our school project of constructing a new classroom block and to renovate the old classes which were constructed by white sister's in 1910 to improve the teaching and learning environment at the school and also to achieve some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030(Education and poverty)and the Uganda Vision of 2040

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