Salvar la visión de mi perrito Saving my puppy's vision

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Salvar la visión de mi perrito Saving my puppy's vision

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Birinci siz bağış yapın! Amaç: 4500 EUR
Luisa Lozano
Bitiş tarihi
35 Gün sonra sona erecek
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Luisa Lozano Kampanyanın organizatörüdür
35 Gün sonra sona erecek
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Cordial saludo...

Acudo a ustedes como acto de desespero para salvar la visión de mi perro.

Él tiene 11 años, es un poodle amoroso, noble y puro. Él ha estado conmigo desde sus 30 dias de nacido. Él siempre ha sido muy feliz, él es el motor de mi vida y de dos adultos mayores (de 65 y 68 años que tambien dependen completamente de mi), él es mi soporte mental. Desafortunadmente no cuento con recursos para costear todo su tratamiento; desde examenes previos, traslado a otra ciudad ya que en mi ciudad no realizan cirugias oftalmolgoicas veterinarias, el coste de la cirugia y su recuperación. 

Solo en dos días he pagado casi 100 euros, lo que para un golpe al bolsillo, por eso estoy tocando las puertas de cada uno de ustedes pidiendo ayuda, no para mi, para él.

He tratado de involucrarme en labores sociales y jamás he pedido dinero, solo hasta ahora, porque no se que más hacer...

Tengo dos perros más, una gata y dos aves (todos rescatados).

Su calidad de vida ha disminuidos mucho, antes un perro feliz y jugueton...ahora es mas sedentario porque no ve los objetos y le da miedo caminar. Es triste que aún tenga tanto por ver y no poder hacerlo...

Gracias, gracias a quienes donan para esta causa hermosa. 

Cordial greetings...

I come to you as an act of desperation to save my dog's vision.

He is 11 years old, a loving, noble and pure poodle. He has been with me since he was 30 days old. He has always been very happy, he is the engine of my life and that of two seniors (65 and 68 years old who are also completely dependent on me), he is my mental support. Unfortunately I do not have the resources to pay for all his treatment; from previous exams, transfer to another city since in my city they do not perform veterinary ophthalmologic surgeries, the cost of the surgery and his recovery.

Only in two days I have paid almost 100 euros, which for me .... is a blow to my pocket, so I'm knocking on the doors of each of you asking for help, not for me, for him.

I have tried to get involved in social work and have never asked for money, only until now, because I don't know what else to do....

I have two more dogs, a cat and two birds (all rescued).

His quality of life has diminished a lot, he used to be a happy and playful he is more sedentary because he doesn't see objects and is afraid to walk. It is sad that he still has so much to see and can't....

Thank you, thanks to those who donate to this beautiful cause.

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