
The hashtag is a great hallmark when organizing a charity fundraising campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform.

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Articles - How to create a fundraising hashtag that inspires donations
9th December 2022

How to create a fundraising hashtag that inspires donations

Sharing your fundraising campaign on social media is key to getting the word out about your cause. One key way to raise awareness and sharing is throu...

Articles - Your guide to disaster fundraising
16th December 2022
Your guide to disaster fundraising

In recent years,crowdfunding platforms have become a vital piece of the disaster recovery puzzle for individuals, families, communities and even entire regions recovering from hurricanes, fires, floods and other disasters. This publication walks you through the basics of disaster fundraising. Unite, tune in, and launch your fundraising campaign People recover better from a disaster when they work together. For the greatest impact, unite with o...

Articles - How to quickly raise money to adopt a child
18th December 2022
How to quickly raise money to adopt a child

Children are the greatest gift a person can receive throughout his life! And if fate has not been kind enough to ordain you to be a parent, institutions and organizations have found a way to give this right to anyone who has the heart and soul for it. According to statistics from surveys done in 2018, the figure of 430,000 children, works in plus towards foster families. For adopted children, a home and unconditional dedication and love is extre...

Articles - How to create a winning fundraising team in 3 easy steps
23rd December 2022
How to create a winning fundraising team in 3 easy steps

One of the first things we say to anyone thinking of starting their own charity fundraising campaign is: don 't do it alone. Why is it so important to have a fundraising team? Not just because it's less work for you. We've created a comprehensive guide so you know exactly how to build a fundraising team to help make your fundraising easier and more successful. Why should I create a fundraising team? Team fundraising makes it more fun. When th...

Articles - 10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook
21st April 2023

10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook

Nowadayswe have many options for promoting a donation campaign, and inevitably the easiest, most convenient and free way is through social networks. Facebook is the leading one among them, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it falls into the "must use" category when it comes to internet marketing. You can use it as the main channel to communicate with your donors and through it, you can redirect them to your donation campaign that you...

Articles - Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful
25th April 2023

Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful

The success of a donation campaign depends on many factors. One of them is the right choice of partner. In the face of thePavel Andreev Foundation, you should be sure that you have an extremely serious and responsible partner by your side, who will give you full support in every situation. You can turn for help or assistance to the team behind the platform at any time. Don't be embarrassed by anything and ask about anything that interests you. T...