Spartan For А Brighter Future / Спартанци за по-добро бъдеще Spartan For A Brighter Future

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Spartan For А Brighter Future / Спартанци за по-добро бъдеще Spartan For A Brighter Future

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Hristo Dobrev
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Hristo Dobrev является организатором кампании
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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. We are writing to inform you about a remarkable opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of those who need our support. Together, we can rally for a cause that embodies compassion, resilience, and the power of collective action.

We are proud to announce our participation in the upcoming 10km Spartan Race in France, where we will not only challenge ourselves physically but also embrace the chance to create a positive change. Our mission is to raise vital funds for people who are currently facing a challenging diagnosis and requirs financial assistance to access life-saving treatment.

Few months ago, we all lost a person really close to us in her battle with cancer. But her indomitable spirit and unwavering determination throughout her entire journey continue to inspire us. Despite the immense challenges she faced, she demonstrated a resilience that touched our hearts and left an indelible mark on our lives. It is with her memory and the lessons she taught us about strength and perseverance that we now confront this new endeavor, motivated to make a difference and honor her legacy by supporting others who find themselves in a similar fight.

The Spartan Race, renowned for its demanding obstacles and endurance tests, symbolizes the spirit of determination and overcoming adversity. By taking part in this extraordinary event, we seek to channel that same spirit to assist someone in their battle against a difficult health condition. Every step we take, every obstacle we conquer, will be an act of solidarity and hope.

In her memory, we invite you to join us on this significant undertaking and help us provide much-needed support to those facing a challenging diagnosis. Let us honor her by spreading awareness, raising funds, and making a positive impact on the lives of others in need. We firmly believe that by uniting our efforts, we can bring about a tangible difference

Together, let us run, conquer, and make a profound difference in the lives of those who are fighting against the odds.

Every contribution counts, no matter how big or small. By rallying together, we can create a ripple effect of compassion and hope that will echo far beyond the Spartan Race. Let us demonstrate our unity, resilience, and unwavering commitment to lending a helping hand to those in need.

Thank you for being here and making a difference. Together we are stronger.


Скъпи приятели и колеги,

В тази кампания се обединяваме за едно по-добро бъдеще на хората, поставени пред тежка диагноза. Заедно се обединяваме в кауза, която вдъхва кураж и увереност в духа на много от нас.

Горди сме да обявим съвместно участие в предстоящото 10-километрово състезание Spartan във Франция, където не само ще предизвикаме себе си физически, но и ще прегърнем шанса да създадем положителна промяна.

Нашата мисия е да съберем жизненоважни средства за хора, които в момента са изправени пред трудна диагноза и се нуждаят от финансова помощ за достъп до животоспасяващо лечение.

Преди няколко месеца загубихме много близък човек в борбата с рака. Но дори за миг, тя не изгуби надежда и борбеност. Силата на духа, която демострира пред много от нас, ще пламти дълго в нашите сърца, а ние решаваме да поддържаме този огън и да разпалваме съцата на тези, които имат нужда от този пламък. В нейна памет ви каним да се присъедините към нас в това важно начинание и да ни помогнете да предоставим така необходимата подкрепа на тези, изправени пред трудна диагноза.

Спартанското състезание се слави със своите взискателни препятствия и изпитания за издръжливост, и сила.То символизира духа на решителност и преодоляване на трудностите и пречките пред нас. С нашето участие в това изключително събитие, ние искаме да насочим и да споделим същия този дух и да помогнем на някого в нужда.

Всяка стъпка, която предприемаме, всяко препятствие, което преодоляваме, ще бъде акт на солидарност и надежда.

Нека заедно да бягаме, да побеждаваме и да променим дълбоко живота на тези, които се борят срещу шансовете.

Всеки принос има значение, независимо колко голям или малък е. Нека демонстрираме нашето единство, издръжливост и непоколебима отдаденост и да подадем ръка за помощ на нуждаещите се.

Благодаря ви, че сте тук и правите разлика. Заедно сме по-силни.


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. We are writing to inform you about a remarkable opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of those who need our support. Together, we can rally for a cause that embodies compassion, resilience, and the power of collective action.

We are proud to announce our participation in the upcoming 10km Spartan Race in France, where we will not only challenge ourselves physically but also embrace the chance to create a positive change. Our mission is to raise vital funds for people who are currently facing a challenging diagnosis and require financial assistance to access life-saving treatment.

Few months ago, we all lost a person really close to us in her battle with cancer. But her indomitable spirit and unwavering determination throughout her entire journey continue to inspire us. Despite the immense challenges she faced, she demonstrated a resilience that touched our hearts and left an indelible mark on our lives. It is with her memory and the lessons she taught us about strength and perseverance that we now confront this new endeavor, motivated to make a difference and honor her legacy by supporting others who find themselves in a similar fight.

The Spartan Race, renowned for its demanding obstacles and endurance tests, symbolizes the spirit of determination and overcoming adversity. By taking part in this extraordinary event, we seek to channel that same spirit to assist someone in their battle against a difficult health condition. Every step we take, every obstacle we conquer, will be an act of solidarity and hope.

In her memory, we invite you to join us on this significant undertaking and help us provide much-needed support to those facing a challenging diagnosis. Let us honor her by spreading awareness, raising funds, and making a positive impact on the lives of others in need. We firmly believe that by uniting our efforts, we can bring about a tangible difference

Together, let us run, conquer, and make a profound difference in the lives of those who are fighting against the odds.

Every contribution counts, no matter how big or small. By rallying together, we can create a ripple effect of compassion and hope that will echo far beyond the Spartan Race. Let us demonstrate our unity, resilience, and unwavering commitment to lending a helping hand to those in need.

Thank you for being here and making a difference. Together we are stronger.


Dear friends and colleagues,

In this campaign, we unite for a better future for people facing a serious diagnosis. Together we are uniting in a cause that inspires courage and confidence in the spirits of many of us.

We are proud to announce our joint participation in the upcoming Spartan 10K in France, where we will not only challenge ourselves physically, but embrace the chance to create positive change.

Our mission is to raise vital funds for people who are currently facing a difficult diagnosis and need financial assistance to access life-saving treatment.

A few months ago we lost someone very close to us in the fight against cancer. But even for a moment, she didn't lose hope and fight. The strength of spirit that she demonstrated to many of us will burn long in our hearts, and we resolve to keep that fire burning and kindle the hearts of those who need that flame. In her memory, we invite you to join us in this important endeavor and help us provide much needed support to those facing a difficult diagnosis.

The Spartan Race is renowned for its demanding obstacles and tests of endurance, and strength.It symbolizes the spirit of determination and overcoming the difficulties and obstacles before us. With our participation in this exceptional event, we want to channel and share that same spirit and help someone in need.

Every step we take, every obstacle we overcome will be an act of solidarity and hope.

Together, let us run, let us conquer, and let us make a profound difference in the lives of those struggling against the odds.

Every contribution matters, no matter how big or small. Let us demonstrate our unity, resilience and unwavering commitment and lend a helping hand to those in need.

Thank you for being here and making a difference. Together we are stronger.

Больше информации
18-го января 2024
Hristo Dobrev
Трансфер на средства към фонда за лечние на деца в чужбина Transfer of funds to the fund for the treatment of children abroad
Дарение на средства към Фонда за лечение на деца в чужбина. Прехвърлена сума: 2667.43лв. Donation to the Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad. Amount transferred.
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