Моля Ви, спасете живота на малката Ива Please save the life of little Iva

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Моля Ви, спасете живота на малката Ива Please save the life of little Iva

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391102.46 EUR пожертвовано из 306775 EUR
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Мая Коралова
Бенефициар (Выгодоприобретатель)
Ива Митева Коралова
Крайняя дата
Доступная сумма
203693.61 EUR
Мая Коралова организует кампанию для Ива Митева Коралова
Доступная сумма
203693.61 EUR

Ива е само на 5 години. Като всяко друго дете, с нетърпение очаква Коледните празници. Но малко преди Коледа, животът на Ива и семейството ни се преобърна, когато тя, съвсем неочаквано, е диагностицирана с тумор на малкия мозък.

В началото на тази  годината е направена операция в Пирогов, за да се отстрани по-голяма част от тумора. След направени изследвания той се оказва злокачествен и много бързо растящ медулобластом, в последния 4ти стадий, като вече са се образували няколко разсейки в гръбначния мозък.

Единственият шанс за живота на Ива сега е да се направи протонна терапия, последвана от химиотерапия.

Лекари от Прага  казаха, че това трябва да стане от 4 до 6 седмици след операцията, която се проведе на 4ти януари. Центровете за протонна терапия има само на няколко места в Европа, като България не разполага с такъв.   

В момента очакваме оферти от чуждестранни болници и се надяваме на максимално бързо финансиране, за да може лечението да започне възможно най-бързо, и в рамките на 6 седмици от операцията.

Благодаря Ви!


(for English, scroll down)

Please, save the life of young Iva
Iva is only 5 years old. Just like any other kid, she cannot wait until the Christmas holidays. But just before last Christmas, the life of Iva and our family took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with tumor of the little brain.
In the beginning of this year Iva had a surgery in Pirogov Hospital (Sofia, Bulgaria), to remove the bigger part of the tumor. After tests that were run, the tumor turned out to be a malignant and a very rapidly growing medulloblastoma, in the last, 4th stage, that has already spread into the spine.
The only chance for life Iva has right now is if a proton beam radiation therapy is done, followed by chemotherapy.
Doctors from Prague advised for the treatment to be done from 4 to 6 weeks post the January 4th surgery. Proton beam therapy centers exist in only a few countries in Europe, Bulgaria not being one of them.
At this time we are waiting to receive offers from foreign hospitals and hope for the fastest financing, to allow for the fastest commencement of treatment, within 6 weeks of the surgery.
Thank you for your support!

Iva is only 5 years old. Like any other child, she is looking forward to the Christmas holidays. But shortly before Christmas, Iva's life and our family's life was turned upside down when she, quite unexpectedly, was diagnosed with a small brain tumor.

Earlier this year, surgery was performed at Pirogov to remove most of the tumor. After investigations it turned out to be a malignant and very fast growing medulloblastoma, in the last 4th stage, with several dissections already formed in the spinal cord.

The only chance for Iva's life now is to have proton therapy followed by chemotherapy.

Doctors in Prague said this should happen 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery, which took place on January 4th. There are only a few proton therapy centers in Europe, and Bulgaria does not have one.

At the moment we are waiting for offers from foreign hospitals and we hope to get the funding as quickly as possible so that the treatment can start as soon as possible, and within 6 weeks of the surgery.

Thank you!


(for English, scroll down)

Please, save the life of young Iva

Iva is only 5 years old. Just like any other kid, she cannot wait until the Christmas holidays. But just before last Christmas, the life of Iva and our family took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with tumor of the little brain.

In the beginning of this year Iva had a surgery in Pirogov Hospital (Sofia, Bulgaria), to remove the bigger part of the tumor. After tests that were run, the tumor turned out to be a malignant and a very rapidly growing medulloblastoma, in the last, 4th stage, that has already spread into the spine.

The only chance for life Iva has right now is if a proton beam radiation therapy is done, followed by chemotherapy.

Doctors from Prague advised for the treatment to be done from 4 to 6 weeks post the January 4th surgery. Proton beam therapy centers exist in only a few countries in Europe, Bulgaria not being one of them.

At this time we are waiting to receive offers from foreign hospitals and hope for the fastest financing, to allow for the fastest commencement of treatment, within 6 weeks of the surgery.

Thank you for your support!

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