Моля помогнете на майка ни Мария Please help our mother Maria

Лечение, медицина и реабилитация 0/0
196 Доноров (дарителей)
12244.74 EUR пожертвовано из 50000 EUR
Daniela Ilieva
Бенефициар (Выгодоприобретатель)
Мария Шилигарова
Крайняя дата
Конец через 49 дней
Доступная сумма
91.79 EUR
Daniela Ilieva организует кампанию для Мария Шилигарова
Конец через 49 дней
Доступная сумма
91.79 EUR

Feeling better after just three days of procedures/Чувства се по-добре само след три дни процедури Feeling better after just three days of procedures

30-го июня 2024

Hello again, I’m writing this update with so many emotions of gratitude and appreciation, as my mom’s been in much better physical and mental health since we’ve arrived here in Istanbul. She’s had just three days of treatments but her body is gaining more strength and her appetite is coming back. The full three days of procedures included low dose chemotherapy (on Tuesday only), infusions of Vitamins B, C, D, iron and antioxidants, and oxigen- and thermo-therapies all targeted to weaken and destroy the cancer cells but at the same time to support the healthy ones (her last day included an immune-stimulating shot as well). In addition, on Wednesday, she even got blood transfusion for additional boost and to increase her hemoglobin levels (which were very low due to all the past strong chemotherapies). I strongly believe that, by the time she gets through all 6 sessions of 3-days treatments, my mom will be so much better and will have great results at her next scans and bloodwork. Every patient that we’ve talked to shared that they’ve have at least 50% improvement in just three months so with God’s will and everyone’s prayers and support we believe so will my mom. Sincere gratitude and blessings to you all :)!

Hello again, I'm writing this update with so many emotions of gratitude and appreciation, as my mom's been in much better physical and mental health since we've arrived here in Istanbul. She's had just three days of treatments but her body is gaining more strength and her appetite is coming back. The full three days of procedures included low dose chemotherapy (on Tuesday only), infusions of Vitamins B, C, D, iron and antioxidants, and oxigen- and thermo-therapies all targeted to weaken and destroy the cancer cells but at the same time to support the healthy ones (her last day included an immune-stimulating shot as well). In addition, on Wednesday, she even got blood transfusion for additional boost and to increase her hemoglobin levels (which were very low due to all the past strong chemotherapies). I strongly believe that, by the time she gets through all 6 sessions of 3-days treatments, my mom will be so much better and will have great results at her next scans and bloodwork. Every patient that we've talked to shared that they've have at least 50% improvement in just three months so with God's will and everyone's prayers and support we believe so will my mom. Sincere gratitude and blessings to you all :)!

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