Да възстановим дома на Нина след опустошителен пожар ❤️ Rebuilding Nina's home after devastating fire ❤️

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Да възстановим дома на Нина след опустошителен пожар ❤️ Rebuilding Nina's home after devastating fire ❤️

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6138.64 EUR пожертвовано из 20452 EUR
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Нина Стоянова
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Нина Методиева Стоянова
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Нина Стоянова организует кампанию для Нина Методиева Стоянова
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(english below)

Здравейте, мили и добри хора, 🙏

С ръка на сърце съобщаваме за събитието,  сполетяло семейство Стоянови през късната вечер на 7 януари, 2024 година. Апартаментът на самотния родител Нина Стоянова стана сцена на тежко пожарно бедствие, което превърна дома и в пепел и руини. За нейно щастие синът ѝ я гостува същата вечер, буди се от миризмата на пепел и дим и успява да я спаси.

В късния час на същата вечер, около 23:30, след като се се върнали от вечеря, Нина, гостуващият и син Мартин, и приятелката му си лягат да спят. Известно време след това гостуващия и син и приятелката му се будят в ужасната обстановка на тежък дим и огън, последвани от гръм, предизвикан от късо съединение. То оставя жилището без ток.

Обградени от пламъци, синът и приятелката му скачат от прозореца на 7-мия етаж, от стаята си, на терасата на майката Нина, за да я събудят и спасят. За голямо щастие, успяват да излязат живи.

Въпреки бързата реакция на семейството и пожарната, домът граден цял живот, бива изцяло опустошен за минути, оставайки майката без апартамент.

Молим всички приятели, близки и добри хора да подадат ръка и да помогнат на Нина да възстанови своят дом. 🙏

Кампанията е с цел събиране на средства за помощ на майката. Вашето дарение ще бъде от съществено значение за възстановяването на щетите от инцидента и за осигуряване на дом, в който да остане.

Всяка малка сума е от значение и всяка подадена ръка е оценена! Благодарим ви ❤️


Dear kind people,

We are sorry to announce the event that happened to the mother Nina Stoyanova during the late evening of January 7, 2024. Her apartment became the scene of a severe fire disaster that turned her home into ashes. Fortunately, her son was visited her that night, woke up to the smell of ash and smoke and managed to save her.

Late that night, around 11:30 p.m., after having a dinner, Nina, her visiting son Martin, and his girlfriend went to bed. Some time later, around 01:30, the visiting son and his girlfriend woke up to the horrible scene of fire and smoke, caused by a short circuit, that left the home with no power. Surrounded by flames, Martin and his girlfriend jumped from the window of the 7th floor, from their room, into the terrace of Nina, to wake her up and save her. They managed to break out and escape.

Despite the quick actions taken by the family and the fire department, the home Nina's had built her entire live was completely devastated, leaving Nina without an apartment.

We are asking all friends, family and kind people to lend a hand and help Nina rebuild her home. 🙏

The campaign is to raise funds to help the mother. Your donation will go into repairing the damage from the accident and providing a place for her to stay in.

Every little amount makes a difference and every little help is appreciated! Thank you ❤️

(English below)

Hello dear and good people, 🙏

With hand on heart we report the event that befell the Stoyanov family during the late evening of January 7, 2024. Single parent Nina Stoyanova's apartment became the scene of a severe fire disaster that turned her home into ashes and ruins. Luckily for her, her son visited her that night, woke up to the smell of ash and smoke and managed to save her.

Late that night, around 11:30 p.m., after returning from dinner, Nina, her visiting son Martin, and his girlfriend went to bed. Some time after that, her visiting son and his girlfriend awoke to the horrible scene of heavy smoke and fire, followed by a thunderclap caused by a short circuit. It leaves the dwelling without power.

Surrounded by flames, the son and his girlfriend jump from the 7th floor window, out of their room, onto mother Nina's terrace to wake and save her. Fortunately, they managed to get out alive.

Despite the quick response of the family and the fire department, the home built over a lifetime is completely devastated in minutes, leaving the mother without an apartment.

We are asking all friends, family and kind people to lend a hand and help Nina rebuild her home. 🙏

The campaign is to raise funds to help the mother. Your donation will go a long way in repairing the damage from the accident and providing a home for her to stay in.

Every little amount makes a difference and every hand given is appreciated! Thank you ❤️


Dear kind people,

We are sorry to announce the event that happened to the mother Nina Stoyanova during the late evening of January 7, 2024. Her apartment became the scene of a severe fire disaster that turned her home into ashes. Fortunately, her son was visiting her that night, woke up to the smell of ash and smoke and managed to save her.

Late that night, around 11:30 p.m., after having a dinner, Nina, her visiting son Martin, and his girlfriend went to bed. Some time later, around 1:30 a.m., the visiting son and his girlfriend woke up to the horrible scene of fire and smoke, caused by a short circuit, that left the home with no power. Surrounded by flames, Martin and his girlfriend jumped from the window of the 7th floor, from their room, into the terrace of Nina, to wake her up and save her. They managed to break out and escape.

Despite the quick actions taken by the family and the fire department, the home Nina's had built her entire live was completely devastated, leaving Nina without an apartment.

We are asking all friends, family and kind people to lend a hand and help Nina rebuild her home. 🙏

The campaign is to raise funds to help the mother. Your donation will go into repairing the damage from the accident and providing a place for her to stay in.

Every little amount makes a difference and every little help is appreciated! Thank you ❤️

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