Quiet Christmas in our home Quiet Christmas in our home

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Quiet Christmas in our home Quiet Christmas in our home

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Această campanie s-a încheiat. Urmăriți secțiunea Știri pentru a fi la curent cu noutățile despre ea și tranzacțiile (dacă lipsesc, înseamnă că campania încă nu a fost plătită).
Macarena Riveros
Data de încheiere
Sumă disponibilă
Macarena Riveros este organizatorul campaniei
Sumă disponibilă


My name is Macarena, I am a migrant in Canada, and a single mother of this little 9-year-old boy, I had to migrate from my country a while ago since it was very dangerous. My son and I were in the middle of shootings more than once. Maybe the main reason for coming to this country is to give security to my son. It has been very complicated, since immigration took a long time to approve our papers, and that made it difficult to find work, my savings were running out, and now I am working part-time, the time my son goes to school has been a difficult situation but we have managed to comply.

During these months my son has attended school very happily, unfortunately I was sick for a while and it prevented me from working some days, which is why I ask for your help, please help me to be able to pay the rent for the space where we live with my son for the month. December, since the money will not be enough and we would like to spend a quiet Christmas in our home, without the worry that we may be evicted. We truly appreciate your help.


My name is Macarena, I am a migrant in Canada, and a single mother of this little 9-year-old boy, I had to migrate from my country a while ago since it was very dangerous. My son and I were in the middle of shootings more than once. Maybe the main reason for coming to this country is to give security to my son. It has been very complicated, since immigration took a long time to approve our papers, and that made it difficult to find work, my savings were running out, and now I am working part-time, the time my son goes to school has been a difficult situation but we have managed to comply.

During these months my son has attended school very happily, unfortunately I was sick for a while and it prevented me from working some days, which is why I ask for your help, please help me to be able to pay the rent for the space where we live with my son for the month. December, since the money will not be enough and we would like to spend a quiet Christmas in our home, without the worry that we may be evicted. We truly appreciate your help.

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Platformă de încredere

PavelAndreev.ORG este cea mai sigură platformă pentru organizarea următoarei tale campanii.