Back-to-school supplies for children who need it most Back-to-school supplies for children who need it most

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Back-to-school supplies for children who need it most Back-to-school supplies for children who need it most

4 Донатори
46.54 EUR донирани од 7500 EUR
orena brent
Краен датум
Крај после 78 дена
Расположлив износ
46.54 EUR
orena brent е организатор на кампањата
Крај после 78 дена
Расположлив износ
46.54 EUR

We are from three different schools in an under-resourced community. Every 5 in 10 children here are living in Poverty and the current economic conditions as they are today, our Kids need your help. They are going without life’s basics including access to resources to further their education.

Back-to-school supplies for a child in need can be a great opportunity for a teachable moment with your own children.

We started working and contributing to this dream to help struggling families in providing school supplies, as we believe a quality education can help prepare them to become more productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.

We are laying a It's a humbling plea, born out of sheer necessity, and I sincerely hope someone hears it.Every contribution to this dream will go a very long way as we already have 256 children in our list from our community and over 500 children from other rural community area

A backpack to students who need them most, is more than just a backpack and we are so grateful to anyone who finds us worthy of his or her support

We are from three different schools in an under-resourced community. Every 5 in 10 children here are living in Poverty and the current economic conditions as they are today, our Kids need your help. They are going without life’s basics including access to resources to further their education.

Back-to-school supplies for a child in need can be a great opportunity for a teachable moment with your own children.

We started working and contributing to this dream to help struggling families in providing school supplies, as we believe a quality education can help prepare them to become more productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.

We are laying a It's a humbling plea, born out of sheer necessity, and I sincerely hope someone hears it.Every contribution to this dream will go a very long way as we already have 256 children in our list from our community and over 500 children from other rural community area

A backpack to students who need them most, is more than just a backpack and we are so grateful to anyone who finds us worthy of his or her support

Види повеќе
10-ти февруари 2025
orena brent
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