Помощ за Дани/Help for Danny Help for Danny

Terapia, medicina e riabilitazione 1/2

Помощ за Дани/Help for Danny Help for Danny

490 Donatori
8223.53 EUR donati da 12297 euro
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Data di scadenza
Somma disponibile
5151.33 EUR
Даниел Маринов è l'organizzatore della campagna
Somma disponibile
5151.33 EUR

**For English please scroll down**



Аз съм Дани и съм на 24 години от гр. Враца. Както се казва, животът е пред мен. Именно сега би трябвало да черпя от него с пълни шепи. За съжаление, съдбата има други планове и бях принуден да порасна бързо, да се сблъскам с нещо, което никога не съм си представял, че може да се случи на мен. С тези неща е така, не вярваш, че може да се случи точно на теб.. докато не се събудиш един ден, а реалността стане най-големия ти кошмар. Аз вярвам в съдбата и знам, че на никой не му е отредено нещо повече от това, с което би могъл да се справи. 

Обожавам плуването и смея да твърдя, че бях много добър плувец. Именно това е и една от причините лятото между 11 и 12 клас да започна работа като спасител в аквапарк, правейки своите първи стъпки към живота на „големите“. Знаеш ли, съдбата има странно чувство за хумор и ирония. От отговорната ми роля на спасител само за няколко секунди аз се превърнах в човека, който имаше нужда да бъде спасен. Чудиш се какво стана? Спуснах се по една от пързалките и при „приземяването“ паднах така, че ударих главата си в дъното на басейна. Счупих 7-ми шиен прешлен, което доведе до пълно обездвижване от врата надолу. Целият ми живот се преобърна – планове за университет, работа, всичко беше заличено от две думи, „обездвижен си“. 

Моята борба започна още тогава и не е спирала до ден днешен, няма и да спре. Претърпях две операции, преминавам през интензивни рехабилитации и множество изследвания. Благодарение на постоянните усилия и упоритостта ми, постигнах изключителни резултати. Вече успявам да движа двете си ръце, частично пръстите и да седя в инвалидна количка! Принос за това имат и моите близки хора – подкрепата на моята борбена майка, страхотна сестра и на незаменимите ми приятели. Те ми дават сили да продължавам и всеки ден да полагам усилия. Разбираш ли, аз не съм от типа хора, които просто ще се откажат, ще останат на легло цял живот, ще питат „защо на мен“ и ще се самосъжаляват. Аз няма да спра да се боря и да давам всичко от себе си, за да постигна моята крайна цел. Някой ден искам да имам деца, да водя по-пълноценен живот, да не бъда толкова зависим. 

Аз вярвам, че мога да спечеля тази битка, но имам нужда от твоята помощ. Сумата от 12 288 евро, необходима за лечението, е непосилна за семейството ми. Моля те да ми подадеш ръка за едно по-добро бъдеще, в което ще мога да водя по-пълноценен начин на живот, а леглото няма да е моя затвор.


Дани, на 24 години – сигурен в успеха


Hi there!

My name is Danny and I am 24 years old, from Vratsa, Bulgaria. Like people say, I have an entire life ahead of me. In those years I am supposed to live the best years in my whole life. Unfortunately, faith had other plans for me and I was forced to grow up too quickly, to face something I have never imagined would happen to me. The thing is that you never ever think that something like this would happen to you.. until one day you wake up and reality turns out to be your greatest nightmare. I believe in faith and I know that we all get served based on how much we can take, neither more or less, and still keep moving forward.

I used to love swimming and I dare to say that I was a pretty good swimmer. This is exactly why in the summer vacation before my last year in school I decided to start a seasonal job at the seaside as a lifeguard in an aquapark, making my own first steps into adulthood. You know, faith has a quite strange understanding for irony. From being a lifeguard who is supposed to safe people in case of accident, in a matter of just a few seconds, I turned into the person, who needed to be saved. You wonder what happened? I slid on one of the water slides and the moment I fell in the water I hit my head in the pool bottom, losing full consciousness. Turns out I broke my 7th cervical vertebra which led to full paralysis from the neck down. My whole life changed completely – plans for university, work, everything was wiped out from 1 sentence I will always remember “You’re paralyzed.”

My battle began right in that moment and it hasn’t stopped until this day, it will never stop. I underwent 2 complex surgeries, I go through intensive therapies and dozens of examinations. Thankfully to my constant strive to succeed and my determination, I was able to achieve amazing results. Right now I am able to move both of my hands, partially my fingers and to sit in a wheelchair! This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my family and friends, who give me the strength to keep fighting. Every single day I fight for a better future. You see, I am not the type of person who would just give up, will stay in bed all life, will keep asking “why did this happen to me?” and feel sorry for themselves. I will never ever stop fighting and I will give all I have to give to achieve my goal. Someday I want to have children, I want to have a more complete life, and not be so dependent on my family. I want to be able to take care of myself.

I believe that I can win this fight, but I need your help. The treatment costs 12 288 EUR which me and my family don’t have. Please, help me build one better future for myself. A future in which I will be able to live my life more completely, and the bed will not be my own prison.

Thank you for believing in me!



Danny, 24 years old and certain on success




**For English please scroll down**


I'm Danny and I'm 24 years old. I am 24 years old. As they say, life is in front of me. Right now I should draw from it with full handfuls. Unfortunately, fate had other plans and I was forced to grow up fast, to face something I never imagined could happen to me. That's the thing with these things, you don't believe it could happen to you.. until you wake up one day, and reality becomes your worst nightmare. I believe in fate and I know that no one is destined to have more than they could handle.

I love swimming and I dare say I was a very good swimmer. This is one of the reasons I started working as a lifeguard at a water park the summer between 11th and 12th grade, taking my first steps into the "big man" life. You know, fate has a strange sense of humor and irony. From my responsible role as a lifeguard in just a few seconds, I became the person who needed to be rescued. You wonder what happened? I went down one of the slides and upon "landing" fell so hard that I hit my head on the bottom of the pool. I broke my 7th cervical vertebrae, which resulted in complete immobilization from the neck down. My whole life was turned upside down - university plans, work, everything was wiped out by two words, 'you're immobilised'.

My struggle started back then and hasn't stopped to this day, nor will it. I've had two operations, been through intensive rehab and multiple tests. Thanks to my constant efforts and perseverance, I have achieved extraordinary results. I am now able to move both arms, partially my fingers and sit in a wheelchair! My loved ones have contributed to this - the support of my fighting mother, my great sister and my irreplaceable friends. They give me the strength to keep going and keep trying every day. You see, I'm not the type of person to just give up, stay bedridden my whole life, ask "why me" and feel sorry for myself. I will not stop fighting and giving it my all to achieve my ultimate goal. Someday I want to have children, lead a more fulfilling life, and not be so dependent.

I believe I can win this battle, but I need your help. The amount of 12 288 euros needed for the treatment is unaffordable for my family. I ask you to give me a hand for a better future where I can lead a fuller life and bed will not be my prison.


Danny, 24 years old - sure of success


Hi there!

My name is Danny and I am 24 years old, from Vratsa, Bulgaria. Like people say, I have an entire life ahead of me. In those years I am supposed to live the best years in my whole life. Unfortunately, faith had other plans for me and I was forced to grow up too quickly, to face something I have never imagined would happen to me. The thing is that you never ever think that something like this would happen to you.. until one day you wake up and reality turns out to be your greatest nightmare. I believe in faith and I know that we all get served based on how much we can take, neither more or less, and still keep moving forward.

I used to love swimming and I dare to say that I was a pretty good swimmer. This is exactly why in the summer vacation before my last year in school I decided to start a seasonal job at the seaside as a lifeguard in an aquapark, making my own first steps into adulthood. You know, faith has a pretty strange understanding for irony. From being a lifeguard who is supposed to safe people in case of accident, in a matter of just a few seconds, I turned into the person, who needed to be saved. You wonder what happened? I slid on one of the water slides and the moment I fell in the water I hit my head in the pool bottom, losing full consciousness. Turns out I broke my 7th cervical vertebra which led to full paralysis from the neck down. My whole life changed completely - plans for university, work, everything was wiped out from 1 sentence I will always remember "You're paralyzed."

My battle began right in that moment and it hasn't stopped until this day, it will never stop. I underwent 2 complex surgeries, I go through intensive therapies and dozens of examinations. Thankfully to my constant strive to succeed and my determination, I was able to achieve amazing results. Right now I am able to move both of my hands, partially my fingers and to sit in a wheelchair! This wouldn't have been possible without the support of my family and friends, who give me the strength to keep fighting. Every single day I fight for a better future. You see, I am not the type of person who would just give up, will stay in bed all life, will keep asking "why did this happen to me?" and feel sorry for themselves. I will never ever stop fighting and I will give all I have to give to achieve my goal. Someday I want to have children, I want to have a more complete life, and not be so dependent on my family. I want to be able to take care of myself.

I believe that I can win this fight, but I need your help. The treatment costs 12 288 EUR which me and my family don't have. Please, help me build one better future for myself. A future in which I will be able to live my life more completely, and the bed will not be my own prison.

Thank you for believing in me!


Danny, 24 years old and certain on success


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