💜 Да подкрепим две деца в труден момент. 💜 To support two children in a difficult time.

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💜 Да подкрепим две деца в труден момент. 💜 To support two children in a difficult time.

104 Donatori
4349.02 EUR donati da 2556 euro
Questa campagna è terminata. Segui la sezione Notizie per restare aggiornato sulle novità in merito e sulle transazioni (se mancano, ciò significa che i pagamenti per la campagna non sono ancora avvenuti).
Pavel Andreev
Data di scadenza
Somma disponibile
Pavel Andreev è l'organizzatore della campagna
Somma disponibile

Благотворителна кампания в подкрепа на малките Иван и Калоян



Аз съм Светлана и искам да ви разкажа как две невръстни деца останаха без майка и баща.

Преди малко повече от седмица, в класа на моите дъщери в 4 клас - деца, учители и родители, бяха съкрушени от една страшна и тежка новина. Съученикът на децата ми – Калоян, загуби майка си в битката с Covid 19. Йоана беше само на 31 години. Трагедията на Калоян (4 клас) , и неговият брат Иван (6 клас), е още по-голяма и тежка заради това, че преди 5 години те губят безвъзвратно и своят баща след тежко боледуване. Сега, децата остават сираци. Майката беше много деен родител, трудолюбива, силна и позитивна. Тя беше и първата доброволка, която отиде в училище да помага с тестването на децата, когато ги върнаха в класните стаи. Любяща и грижовна, Йоана се опитваше да бъде за момчетата и майка, и баща, и приятел, и се опитваше да не ги лишава от нищо.

Дни преди Коледа, ви пиша с молбата, заедно да се обединим в каузата за тези деца и да съберем 3500 лв, които да послужат като помощ в ежедневните разходи за няколко месеца на семейството. Събраните средства ще бъдат разпределени главно за хранителни продукти, облекло и обувки за децата. За момента, бабата (майка на Йоана), която е пенсионер и живее с 80 годишната си болна майка, се грижи за децата.

Разходите са планирани да се изразходва така:

  • за хранителни продукти за децата и бабата - 5 месеца х 500 лева = 2500 лева
  • облекло, обувки и др. - 1000 лева

Инициатор на кампанията: Светлана Балгаранова

Бенефициенти по кампанията: Калоян и Иван

Как можете да помогнете?

  • чрез дарение тук в платформата, чрез виртуалния пос терминал (кликни на бутона дари)
  • ако нямате финансова възможност - чрез споделяне на кампанията в социалните ви мрежи (кликни на бутона сподели)
  • чрез контакт с регионални медии за разпространяване на кампанията

UPDATE 12.12.21:

Поради огромния интерес целевата сума е повишена от 3500 на 5000 лева като сумата ще се използва за още няколко месеца обезпечаване на семейството.

UPDATE 13.12.21:

Кампанията е приключена успешно! ✌🏻

Събраната сума от добри хора е 8000+ лева при търсена първоначална 3500 лева.

Благодарим Ви! 💜🙏🏻

За новини около развитието на кампанията следете тук:




Ако желаете да помогнете и на други хора в нужда:



Dear friends,

I am Svetlana, and want to tell you the story of the orphans Ivan and Kaloyan.

With heavy hearth I am writing to ask you to join us to support two orphans, two kids that will never again have a Christmas with their parents. Ivan is 12 and Kaloyan 10 years old. A little more than a week ago,  Covid 19 took from these angels their loving mom - Yoana at age of 31. Unfortunately the tragedy is even bigger, because the boys are loosing their dad five years ago, after serious illness.

As a single mom, Yoana was a hardworking parent willing to provide the necessities for her kids. She was strong person, positive, and a great role model for the kids, especially trying to cover the father’s role in the family. She was the first one to volunteer as a helper, when testing the students at school from Covid 19 a few weeks ago. She got sick with Covid the same week.

As of this moment, the boys are with their grandma, who lives with her own 80 years old mom.

Please, I am asking you to help me collect donation of 3500 lv to support the boys for several months in this terrible moment of their live. The amount of donation will be used mainly for food supplies, cloths, and shoes for the boys.  

Please donate if you can, any amount would be appreciatedand would definitely go to these children.

May God bless you.

How can you help?

  • with a small donation (click the green button "Дари")
  • share in social medias (click the blue button "Сподели")

Charity campaign in support of little Ivan and Kaloyan



I'm Svetlana and I want to tell you how two unborn children were left without a mother and a father.

A little over a week ago, in my daughters 4th grade class - children, teachers and parents, were devastated by a scary and difficult news. My children's classmate, Kaloyan, lost his mother in the Covid 19 battle. Ioana was only 31 years old. The tragedy of Kaloyan (4th grade) , and his brother Ivan (6th grade), is even greater and more severe because 5 years ago they also irrevocably lost their father after a serious illness. Now, the children remain orphans. The mother was a very hardworking, strong and positive parent. She was also the first volunteer to go to school to help with testing the children when they were returned to the classrooms. Loving and caring, Joanna tried to be a mother, father and friend to the boys and tried not to deprive them of anything.

Days before Christmas, I am writing to ask you to join together in the cause for these children and raise £3500 to help with the family's day to day expenses for a few months. The money raised will mainly be distributed for food, clothing and shoes for the children. For the time being, the grandmother (Joanna's mother), who is retired and lives with her 80 year old sick mother, takes care of the children.

The expenses are planned to be spent as follows:

  • for food for the children and the grandmother - 5 months x 500 BGN = 2500 BGN
  • clothing, shoes, etc. - BGN 1000

Initiator of the campaign.

Beneficiaries of the campaign.

How can you help?

  • By donating here on the platform, through the virtual пос terminal (click on the donate button)
  • if you don't have the financial possibility - by sharing the campaign on your social networks (click on the share button)
  • by contacting regional media to spread the campaign

UPDATE 12.12.21:

Due to overwhelming interest, the target amount has been increased from 3500 to 5000 BGN and the amount will be used to provide for the family for a few more months.

UPDATE 13.12.21:

The campaign has been successfully completed! ✌🏻

The amount raised by kind people is 8000+ BGN against the initial 3500 BGN requested.

Thank you! 💜🙏🏻

For news about the campaign development, follow here:




If you would like to help other people in need:



Dear friends,

I am Svetlana, and want to tell you the story of the orphans Ivan and Kaloyan.

With heavy heart I am writing to ask you to join us to support two orphans, two kids that will never again have a Christmas with their parents. Ivan is 12 and Kaloyan 10 years old. A little more than a week ago, Covid 19 took from these angels their loving mom - Yoana at age of 31. Unfortunately the tragedy is even bigger, because the boys are losing their dad five years ago, after serious illness.

As a single mom, Yoana was a hardworking parent willing to provide the necessities for her kids. She was a strong person, positive, and a great role model for the kids, especially trying to cover the father's role in the family. She was the first one to volunteer as a helper, when testing the students at school from Covid 19 a few weeks ago. She got sick with Covid the same week.

As of this moment, the boys are with their grandma, who lives with her own 80 years old mom.

Please, I am asking you to help me collect donation of 3500 lv to support the boys for several months in this terrible moment of their live. The amount of donation will be used mainly for food supplies, cloths, and shoes for the boys.

Please donate if you can, any amount would be appreciatedand would definitely go to these children.

May God bless you.

How can you help?

  • with a small donation (click the green button "Donate")
  • share in social medias (click the blue button "Share")
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