Помощ за Веселин Help for Veselin

Tratamiento, medicina y rehabilitación 1/7

Помощ за Веселин Help for Veselin

585 Donantes
11433.51 EUR donated from 255646 EUR
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Емилия Паламаркова
Веселин Борилов Паламарков
Fecha límite
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible
-0 EUR
Емилия Паламаркова organiza una campaña para Веселин Борилов Паламарков
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible
-0 EUR

Скъпи дарители,

Човек никога не знае какво ще му се случи и не допуска, че точно на него ще се случи да се разболее. Не допуска, че животът му за един кратък миг ще се промени и ще се бори със сериозно заболяване.

Аз съм само на 33 години и много харесвам работата, която наскоро започнах. Като всеки човек имам планове за свое семейство.

През лятото получих болки в гърба и подуване в стомаха, но лекарите не констатираха проблем. Дори си купих два масажора, но болките не спряха и се принудих отново да отида на лекар - личната лекарка забеляза ниския ми хемоглобин и спешно ме приеха в болница. Там научих, че имам аденокарцином в стомаха, неподлежащ на операция заради размера му и метастазите.

Лекарите в София започнаха лечение с химиотерапия и имунотерапия, които се оказаха неефикасни и не дадоха очаквания резултат. Затова се налага да потърся лечение в чужбина. Препоръчаха ми клиники в Германия и Турция, но сумите са непосилни за мен и моето семейство.

Ще бъда благодарен на всеки от Вас, който ми помогне да събера необходимите средства!

Вярвам в доброто и като добър човек вярвам, че мечтите ми ще се сбъднат!


Dear donors,

A person never knows what will happen to him and does not assume that it will happen to him to get sick. He doesn't believe that his life will change in a short moment and  that he will have to fight with a serious illness.

I am only 33 years old and I really like the job I recently started. Like everyone, I have plans for my family.

During the summer I developed back pain and stomach swelling, but the doctors found no problem. I even bought two massagers, but the pain did not stop and I forced myself to go to the doctor again - the doctor noticed my low hemoglobin and I was urgently admitted to the hospital. There I learned that I had adenocarcinoma in my stomach, inoperable due to its size and metastases. The doctors in Sofia started treatment with chemotherapy and immunotherapy, which turned out to be ineffective and did not give the expected result. That is why I have to seek treatment abroad. I was recommended clinics in Germany and Turkey, but the amounts are prohibitive for me and my family.

I will be grateful to each of you who will help me raise the necessary funds!

I believe in good and as a good person I believe that my dreams will come true!


Liebe Spender,

das Leben ändert sich total, wenn man sich mit einer Krankheit kämpfen muss.

Ich bin erst 33 Jahre alt und mag meinen Job, den ich kürzlich angefangen habe. Wie jeder Mensch habe ich auch Pläne für meine eigene Familie.

Im Sommer bekam ich Rückenschmerzen und eine Magenschwellung, aber die Ärzte fanden kein Problem. Ich habe mir sogar zwei Massagegeräte gekauft, aber der Schmerz klang leider nicht ab und nach anderthalbem Monat musste ich wieder zum Arzt. Der Hausarzt bemerkte meinen niedrigen Hämoglobinwert und ich wurde dringend ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Dort erfuhr ich, dass ich ein Magenadenokarzinom habe, das wegen seiner Größe und Metastasen inoperabel ist. Die Ärzte in Sofia haben mich mit Chemo- und Imuntherapie behandelt, die sich als unwirksam erwiesen.Deshalb muss ich mich in Ausland behandeln lassen.

Die Behandlung in einer Klinik in Deutschland oder Türkei ist enorm teuer für mich und meine Familie.Ich bin jedem von Ihnen dankbar, der mir hilft, den notwendigen Betrag für meine Behandlung zusammenzutragen.Ich glaube an das Gute und als guter Mensch glaube ich daran, dass meine Träume erfüllt werden!

Dear Donors,

You never know what will happen to you and you never assume that you are the one who will get sick. He doesn't assume that his life will change in one brief moment and he will be battling a serious illness.

I am only 33 years old and I really like the work I have recently started. Like every man, I have plans for a family of my own.

Over the summer I got back pain and swelling in my stomach, but the doctors found no problem. I even bought two massagers, but the pain didn't stop and I had to go to the doctor again - the GP noticed my low haemoglobin and I was admitted to hospital urgently. There I learned that I had an adenocarcinoma in my stomach that was inoperable because of its size and metastasis.

The doctors in Sofia started treatment with chemotherapy and immunotherapy, which proved ineffective and did not give the expected result. So I had to seek treatment abroad. I was recommended clinics in Germany and Turkey, but the sums are prohibitive for me and my family.

I would be grateful to any of you who can help me raise the necessary funds!

I believe in good and as a good person I believe that my dreams will come true!


Dear donors,

A person never knows what will happen to him and does not assume that it will happen to him to get sick. He doesn't believe that his life will change in a short moment and that he will have to fight with a serious illness.

I am only 33 years old and I really like the job I recently started. Like everyone, I have plans for my family.

During the summer I developed back pain and stomach swelling, but the doctors found no problem. I even bought two massagers, but the pain did not stop and I forced myself to go to the doctor again - the doctor noticed my low hemoglobin and I was urgently admitted to the hospital. There I learned that I had adenocarcinoma in my stomach, inoperable due to its size and metastases. The doctors in Sofia started treatment with chemotherapy and immunotherapy, which turned out to be ineffective and did not give the expected result. That is why I have to seek treatment abroad. I was recommended clinics in Germany and Turkey, but the amounts are prohibitive for me and my family.

I will be grateful to each of you who will help me raise the necessary funds!

I believe in good and as a good person I believe that my dreams will come true!


Liebe Spender,

das Leben ändert sich total, wenn man sich mit einer Krankheit kämpfen muss.

Ich bin erst 33 Jahre alt und mag meinen Job, den ich kürzlich angefangen habe. Wie jeder Mensch habe ich auch Pläne für meine eigene Familie.

Im Sommer bekam ich Rückenschmerzen und eine Magenschwellung, aber die Ärzte fanden kein Problem. Ich habe mir sogar zwei Massagegeräte gekauft, der aber Schmerz klang leider nicht ab und nach anderthalbem Monat musste ich wieder zum Arzt. Der Hausarzt bemerkte meinen niedrigen Hämoglobinwert und ich wurde dringend ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Dort erfuhr ich, dass ich ein Magenadenokarzinom habe, das wegen seiner Größe und Metastasen inoperabel ist. Die Ärzte in Sofia haben mich mit Chemo- und Imuntherapie behandelt, die sich sich als unwirksam erwiesen.Deshalb muss ich in Ausland behandeln lassen.

Die Behandlung in einer Klinik in Deutschland oder Türkei ist enormously teuer für mich und meine Familie.Ich bin jedem von Ihnen dank thank, der mir hilft, den notwendigen Betrag für meine Behandlung zusammenzutragen.Ich glaube an das Gute und als guter Mensch glaube ich daran, dass meine Träume erfüllt werden!

Ver más
23º mayo 2024
Емилия Паламаркова organiza una campaña para Веселин Борилов Паламарков
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
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23º mayo 2024
Емилия Паламаркова organiza una campaña para Веселин Борилов Паламарков
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания "Помощ за Веселин" към кампания "Моля ви, спасете Георги!". Прехвърлена сума: 5000лв. Дарение на средства от кампания "" към кампания "Georgi Georgiev Galabov". Прехвърлена сума: 5000BGN
23º mayo 2024
Емилия Паламаркова organiza una campaña para Веселин Борилов Паламарков
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания "Помощ за Веселин" към кампания "Подкрепи Константин в борбата със саркома". Прехвърлена сума: 5000лв. Дарение на средства от кампания "" към кампания "life without pain for Constantine". Прехвърлена сума: 5000BGN
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Reglas estrictas para el pago de los fondos donados

La plataforma PavelAndreev.ORG tiene reglas claramente definidas para el pago de fondos donados para las campañas médicas. Ellos garantizan que todos los fondos se utilizarán para la consecución del objetivo - para el tratamiento y los gastos acompañantes. Todos los documentos en los que se ha efectuado un pago están visibles en la sección de Noticias.


6 maneras fáciles de hacer su donación - tarjeta, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

Informe de revisión

En la sección de Noticias encontrará información de los promotores (iniciadores) de las campañas.

Plataforma de confianza

PavelAndreev.ORG es la plataforma más segura para organizar su próxima campaña.