Допоможіть Настуні дихати!/ Help Nastenka breathe! Help Nastenka breathe!

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Допоможіть Настуні дихати!/ Help Nastenka breathe! Help Nastenka breathe!

6 Donantes
114.83 EUR donated from 35000 EUR
Feshchenko Anadtasiia
Feshchenko Anastasiya
Fecha límite
Final después de 9 días
Cantidad disponible
114.83 EUR
Feshchenko Anadtasiia organiza una campaña para Feshchenko Anastasiya
Final después de 9 días
Cantidad disponible
114.83 EUR


Каждый день, каждую минуту, будучи родителями тяжело больного ребенка, мы умоляем Бога, чтобы больше не было боли, слез и панического страха... Благодаря вам мы смогли вылечить нашу дочь в одной из лучших клиник в мире!Врачи в Барселоне спасли жизнь Анастасии. Но это только начало этого пути... Теперь крайне важно, чтобы Анастасия как можно скорее начала очень быстро пройти реабилитацию!

Реабилитация должна проводиться постоянно, начиная с самого начала лечения. Эта реабилитация требует очень индивидуального подхода и ни в коем случае не должна прерываться. Настке всего 7 лет, и все, о чем она мечтает, это жить!

Уже более года Анастасия проходит ежедневные реабилитационные сеансы, чтобы укрепить мышцы. С помощью этой помощи Институт смог заказать специальный химменный стартер и попытаться сделать операцию на легких. К сожалению, первая операция не дала ожидаемого результата. Настуся была слишком слаба и еще не могла дышать самостоятельно.
Вот почему очень важно не прекращать реабилитацию. Болезнь уже забрала ее детство, но вместе мы сможем спасти ее будущее. Ваша помощь, финансовая поддержка — это единственная надежда. Это единственный способ вовремя оплатить счета и продолжить лечение.

Жизнь поставила нас в положение, когда мы снова вынуждены просить о помощи. Мы будем признательны за любую, даже самую маленькую сумму, которую вы можете внести на сбор средств. За каждый раз, когда вы делитесь информацией о своей дочери....
Пожалуйста, уделите немного времени спасению жизни этой замечательной маленькой девочки!


Every day, every minute, as the parents of a seriously ill child, we beg God that there will be no more pain, tears and panic fear... Thanks to you, we were able to cure our daughter in one of the best clinics in the world! Doctors in Barcelona saved Anastasia's life. But this is just the beginning of this journey...

Now it is extremely important that Anastasia begins to undergo rehabilitation very quickly as soon as possible! Rehabilitation should be carried out constantly, starting from the very beginning of treatment. This rehabilitation requires a very individual approach and should never be interrupted.

Nastka is only 7 years old, and all she dreams of is to live! For more than a year, Anastasia has been undergoing daily rehabilitation sessions to strengthen muscles. With this help, the Institute was able to order a special chemical starter and try to perform lung surgery. Unfortunately, the first operation did not give the expected result. Nastusya was too weak and couldn't breathe on her own yet. That's why it's very important not to stop rehabilitation.

The disease has already taken away her childhood, but together we can save her future. Your help, financial support is the only hope. This is the only way to pay the bills on time and continue treatment. Life has put us in a position where we are forced to ask for help again. We will be grateful for any, even the smallest amount you can contribute to the fundraiser.

Every time you share information about your daughter... Please take some time to save the life of this wonderful little girl!


Every day, every minute, being the parents of a seriously ill child, we beg God that there will be no more pain, tears and panic fear... Thanks to you we were able to cure our daughter in one of the best clinics in the world! Doctors in Barcelona saved Anastasia's life. But this is only the beginning of this journey... Now it is extremely important that Anastasia starts rehabilitating as soon as possible!

Rehabilitation must be carried out continuously, starting from the very beginning of the treatment. This rehabilitation requires a very individualized approach and should never be interrupted. Nastka is only 7 years old and all she dreams of is to live!

For over a year now Anastasia has been undergoing daily rehabilitation sessions to strengthen her muscles. With this help, the Institute was able to order a special chemo starter and attempt a lung surgery. Unfortunately, the first surgery did not have the expected result. Nastusya was too weak and could not yet breathe on her own.
That is why it is very important not to stop rehabilitation. The disease has already taken away her childhood, but together we can save her future. Your help, your financial support is the only hope. It's the only way to pay the bills on time and continue her treatment.

Life has put us in the position of having to ask for help again. We would appreciate any, even the smallest amount you can contribute to the fundraiser. For every time you share information about your daughter....
Please take a moment to save the life of this wonderful little girl!


Every day, every minute, as the parents of a seriously ill child, we beg God that there will be no more pain, tears and panic fear ... Thanks to you, we were able to cure our daughter in one of the best clinics in the world! Doctors in Barcelona saved Anastasia's life. But this is just the beginning of this journey...

Now it is extremely important that Anastasia begins to undergo rehabilitation very quickly as soon as possible! Rehabilitation should be carried out constantly, starting from the very beginning of treatment. This rehabilitation requires a very individual approach and should never be interrupted.

Nastka is only 7 years old, and all she dreams of is to live! For more than a year, Anastasia has been undergoing daily rehabilitation sessions to strengthen muscles. With this help, the Institute was able to order a special chemical starter and try to perform lung surgery. Unfortunately, the first operation did not give the expected result. Nastusya was too weak and couldn't breathe on her own yet. That's why it's very important not to stop rehabilitation.

The disease has already taken away her childhood, but together we can save her future. Your help, financial support is the only hope. This is the only way to pay the bills on time and continue treatment. Life has put us in a position where we are forced to ask for help again. We will be grateful for any, even the smallest amount you can contribute to the fundraiser.

Every time you share information about your daughter... Please take some time to save the life of this wonderful little girl!

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4º julio 2024
Feshchenko Anadtasiia organiza una campaña para Feshchenko Anastasiya
Допоможіть Настусі дихати! Help Nastia breathe!
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