
Crowdfunding or fundraising are the modern words for the charity organizing a fundraising campaign through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform.

Start a campaign
Articles - A guide to successful fundraising campaigns
16th February 2023

A guide to successful fundraising campaigns

The hardest thing is getting started. This applies with full force to any new venture you embark on. You're probably reading this because you've never...

Articles - 11 tips for a successful donation campaign
22nd February 2023
11 tips for a successful donation campaign

From the position of people who have a lot of experience with running hundreds of charity campaigns, the team behind the PavelAndreev.ORG Foundation will share 14 tips that will help you run a successful charity campaign. Over the years, we've learned what works and what doesn't work so well. We'll give you guidelines on how to not only organize your charity cause, but also the possible obstacles you might face during the campaign. 1. Raise fund...

Articles - Why is it important to help?
22nd February 2023
Why is it important to help?

Any charity campaign is doomed to failure without its volunteers and donors. They are the driving force, and it is up to them alone to reach their limits. Participation in any form in a charity campaign must be absolutely voluntary and selfless. The very fact that you are helping someone in need and being their support in this difficult time for them will bring you a certain satisfaction and sense of duty done. But what kind of duty are we talki...

Articles - 10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook
21st April 2023
10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook

Nowadayswe have many options for promoting a donation campaign, and inevitably the easiest, most convenient and free way is through social networks. Facebook is the leading one among them, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it falls into the "must use" category when it comes to internet marketing. You can use it as the main channel to communicate with your donors and through it, you can redirect them to your donation campaign that you...

Articles - How to spot fake donation campaign organisations
21st April 2023

How to spot fake donation campaign organisations

We often ask ourselves whether the campaign we are considering donating to is genuine and whether we will end up being scammed and the organizers will disappear with the collected funds like smoke or divert a large part of them. It is trust that is at the heart of any successful donation campaign. Sadly, there are more than one or two cases where unscrupulous individuals abuse people's kindness and take the ugliest advantage of their desire to h...

Articles - 100% transparency of donations to charity campaigns on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform
21st April 2023

100% transparency of donations to charity campaigns on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

For a very short time the PavelAndreev.ORG charity platform has managed to become recognizable and actively used by many who want to help and do good. However, do not think that this is a coincidence! Behind this is a team of young and motivated people who have adopted this cause as their own and believe that good should not only be worked for, but also talked about! That is what today's piece will be about. We will tell you about the team behin...