Спешно! Да върнем живота на Вивиан! Urgent! Let's bring Vivian back to life!

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
119 Donors
3719.48 EUR donated from 16635 EUR
Христо Дурчев
Вивиан Христо Дурчева
End date
Ends in 20 days
Available amount
3719.16 EUR
Христо Дурчев organizes a campaign for Вивиан Христо Дурчева
Ends in 20 days
Available amount
3719.16 EUR

Благодарност към всеки дарител! Thanks to every donor!

8th January 2024

Най-искрено благодарим на всеки, който е отделил от средствата си за Вивиан!

Много ни трогнахте с добротата ви! Бог да ви благослови!

Сърдечно благодарим на всеки!!!

Сумата е събрана, за съжаление, бебенцето ни е в критично състояние в реанимацията на Токуда, на апаратно дишане, защото има тежък грип, не може да диша самичка в момента. 

Молете се за нея и дай Боже възможно най-скоро да се оправи напълно!

Още веднъж, искрено, сърдечно благодарим на всеки един, благодарим ви и за написаното!

Our sincerest thanks to everyone who has given of their resources to Vivian!

You touched us very much with your kindness! God bless you!

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone!!!

The amount has been raised, unfortunately our baby is in critical condition in the ICU at Tokuda, on ventilator breathing because she has severe flu, she can't breathe on her own right now.

Pray for her and God help her to get well as soon as possible!

Once again, our sincere, heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you, and thank you for writing!

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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