This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
Красимир Иванов
is an organizer for beneficiary Кристиана Иванова
Пристигане в ИндияArrival in India
Здравейте добри хора, вчера през нощта пристигнахме в болницата в Индия , започнаха събиране на данни и другата седмица ще ѝ правят изследвания.Полетът мина без проблеми Hello good people, we arrived at the hospital in India last night , they have started data collection and will do tests on her next week.The flight went without any problems
22nd November 2024
Красимир Иванов
is an organizer for beneficiary Кристиана Иванова
Тръгване за ИндияDeparture for India
Още веднъж искаме да благодарим на всички които ни помогнахте за реализирането на тази кауза,а именно да спасим живота на малката Криси.
Вече имаме точна дата за тръгване към Индия и това е 29.11.2024г, 12,30ч.летище София.
БЛАГОДАРИМ Ви от сърце, че ни помогнахте и ни показахте, че не сме сами в...Once again we want to thank all of you who helped us to realize this cause, namely to save the life of little Chrissy.
We already have the exact date for departure to India and it is 29.11.2024, 12,30h Sofia airport.
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for helping us and showing us that we are...
2nd October 2024
Красимир Иванов
is an organizer for beneficiary Кристиана Иванова
Одобрено изплащанеApproved repayment
Правим плащане към болницата и в края на седмицата началото на другата заминаваме за Индия за трансплантация на сърцето и белите дробове на КрисиWe are making a payment to the hospital and at the end of the week, beginning of the next week, we leave for India for Chrissy's heart and lung transplant.