Шанс за бебе Йоана Chance for Baby Joanna

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
8792 Donors
220726.65 EUR donated from 255646 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Бойка Сашова Тодорова
Йоана Димитър Атанасова
End date
Available amount
Бойка Сашова Тодорова organizes a campaign for Йоана Димитър Атанасова
Available amount

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

4th December 2023
Йоана продължава напред 🙏❤️🙏 Малката Йоана е у дома вече две седмици и кръвните показатели се стабилизират с отлични темпове. Дойде време да направим една малка крачка напред и да дадем ход на две важни за антиконвулсивната терапия изследвания. За наша радост за тях не е необходимо да пътуваме 🤞❤️🤞 Благодаря с цялото си сърце, че направихте всичко за Йоана възможно в този труден момент ❤️ Johanna continues to move forward 🙏❤️🙏 Little Johanna has been home for two weeks now and blood counts are stabilizing at an excellent pace. The time has come to take a small step forward and get two important anticonvulsive therapy tests underway. Thankfully we don't have to travel for them 🤞❤️🤞 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making everything possible for Johanna during this difficult time ❤️
1460 BGN Payment of invoice
1.2 BGN Transaction fee

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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