Помощ за Любчо Help for Lubcho

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
128 Donors
215.53 EUR donated from 91200 EUR
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Мариета Иванова
Любчо Иванов
End date
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Мариета Иванова organizes a campaign for Любчо Иванов
Available amount


18th October 2024

Закъсняхме с превода на първия транж от 30 400 Евро. Трябваше до 09.10.2024г. да направим превода към болницата и да запазим час за първият курс, а състоянието му от ден на ден се влошава!!!!!!

Днес едва е стигнал до болница Токуда, за да направи консултация с д-р по Нуклеарна медицина. Хора, той не може да се движи, задъхва се, няма сила 😭

Ако се забавим още малко има вероятност да не издържи лечението, а химиотерапията не му действа.

Закъсняваме. Моля Ви от все сърце, помогнете! 🙏🙏🙏

We were late with the transfer of the first tranche of 30 400 Euro. We had until 09.10.2024 to make the transfer to the hospital and book an appointment for the first course, and his condition is deteriorating day by day!!!!!!

Today he has barely made it to Tokuda Hospital to do a consultation with Dr. of Nuclear Medicine. Folks, he can't move, he's gasping, he has no strength 😭

If we delay any longer there is a possibility that he won't last the treatment and the chemo is not working for him.

We are late. Please from the bottom of my heart, help 🙏🙏🙏

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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