Да помогнем на Анди Let's help in the Andes

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
477 Donors
5394.59 EUR donated from 18000 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Камелия Георгиева
Андриан Георгиев Кънчев
End date
Available amount
Камелия Георгиева organizes a campaign for Андриан Георгиев Кънчев
Available amount

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

15th November 2022
Здравейте приятели, Анди ни напусна и остави огромна болка и празнина в сърцата ни! Вие бяхте до нас през всичкото това време и ви благодаря, защото без вашата подкрепа ние нямаше да можем дори да опитаме друго лечение. Вярвам че Анди също ви е благодарен! С огромна мъка ви съобщавам че изисквам 1142лв за всички парички които се наложи да се платят за погребението. Вие оставате Ангелите на Анди и винаги ще ви помним. Обичам ви! Не спирайте да вярвате в доброто защото то съществува! Hello friends, Andy has left us and left a huge pain and a hole in our hearts! You have been there for us through all this and thank you because without your support we would not have been able to even try another treatment. I believe Andy is grateful to you too! It is with great sorrow that I inform you that I require 1142lv for all the money that had to be paid for the funeral. You remain Andy's Angels and we will always remember you. I love you! Don't stop believing in the good because it exists!
1142 BGN Refunded costs
1.2 BGN Transaction fee

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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6 easy ways to make your donation - bank card, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

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PavelAndreev.ORG is the safest platform to organize your next campaign.