Articles - Breast cancer prevention - why every woman should be well informed
22nd April 2024

Breast cancer prevention - why every woman should be well informed

Cancer is a condition in which cells in a particular part of the human body multiply uncontrollably and have extremely harmful effects over the whole...

Articles - You have breast cancer? You need funds for treatment - start a campaign on the crowdfunding platform for donations PavelAndreev.ORG
18th April 2024
You have breast cancer? You need funds for treatment - start a campaign on the crowdfunding platform for donations PavelAndreev.ORG

If one fine day you were diagnosed with breast cancer, what do you think you would do? What would your first reaction be and what would it all cost you? Did you know that if you are short of funds for treatment, there is a way to get them in a very legal, easy, quick and noble way? Start a campaign on the crowdfunding platform PavelAndreev.ORG. Why is it important to share that we have breast cancer? Probably one of the most common diagnoses a...

Articles - Breast cancer in men and women. 5 ideas on how everyone can help
17th April 2024
Breast cancer in men and women. 5 ideas on how everyone can help

Breast cancer Breast cancer is the most common form of tumour formation in women and the second leading cause of death from malignant cancer, after lung cancer. The disease is triggered when certain cells in the mammary gland acquire mutations and begin to multiply uncontrollably, forming a tumor. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women is diagnosed with this disease. And, although breast cancer is not only the prerogative of the fair half of humanit...

Articles - Fighting throat cancer in children - treatment costs, overseas fund and everything you need to know
16th April 2024
Fighting throat cancer in children - treatment costs, overseas fund and everything you need to know

Throat cancer in children Laryngeal cancer (also known as laryngeal carcinoma, laryngeal tumor, laryngeal tumor) is cancer of the throat. It is one of the most common malignant tumors in the neck. It is usually a squamous cell carcinoma. Throat cancer in children is a rare disease that proves to be a significant medical and psychosocial challenge. Despite its low incidence, its early diagnosis and adequate treatment are extremely important to i...

Articles - Organizing a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness about throat cancer
15th April 2024

Organizing a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness about throat cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death, both in Europe and worldwide. There are over 100 types of cancer, manifesting in different parts of the body. One of the most common types is throat cancer. Its symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions, making it more difficult to detect the disease at an early stage when the chances of overcoming it are greater. Throat cancer Throat cancer is a type of cancer of the head and neck. The...

Articles - How do we raise funds to treat a loved one with colon cancer?
10th April 2024

How do we raise funds to treat a loved one with colon cancer?

Colon cancer is a disease in which tumor cells in the colon grow uncontrollably. Colon cancer develops from polyps in the inner lining of the colon. It is diagnosed after screening tests that can detect precancerous polyps and thus plan for their removal. Early treatment gives a large number of people a chance to live. Such is accompanied by costly treatment as well as a number of extraordinary or unforeseen expenses. When funds are scarce we can...

Articles - How much money is needed to treat the homeless and how to provide it
9th April 2024

How much money is needed to treat the homeless and how to provide it

Do you know who the homeless people are? Have you ever wondered why they have no roof over their heads and what their fates are? Let's listen to the Voice of the Homeless more often and support them. What difficulties do the homeless face? Homeless people are a vulnerable group, not only because they are homeless, but also because they have social, medical, family and economic problems that are difficult to solve on their own. However, homeles...

Articles - Anxiety: by what do we recognize it and how to help
3rd April 2024

Anxiety: by what do we recognize it and how to help

Experiencing mild anxiety is accepted as part of our lives as we face different challenges on a daily basis. However, when the levels of this anxiety become too high and often uncontrollable, it gets to the point where ordinary everyday things cannot be performed. Anxiety and fear become such a constant part of it that it often leads to panic attacks. They define anxiety as one of the modern diseases, alongside which they talk about the importanc...

Articles - How to help repair a school sports hall roof
2nd April 2024

How to help repair a school sports hall roof

Anyone who lives in a house or owns a building knows on the one hand how important it is for the roof to be stable, but on the other – how many problems it can cause if something happens to it. Because when a foundation is laid, it can quickly deteriorate if the integrity of the building is not taken care of. A damaged or leaking roof can lead to a long list of unpleasant consequences, including structural damage, rotting wood, mold, and even ins...

Articles - How to raise funds for a new orphanage roof
28th March 2024

How to raise funds for a new orphanage roof

"From the roof you can see all the beauty of the stars, but not from the window. Makes you wonder why people don't live on rooftops," says our favourite children's character Carlsson, who lives on the roof. How beautifully Astrid Lindgren wrote it. And imagine with how much awe little children would look at the stars, and how many such beautiful stories they can read when they have a roof over their heads - both literally and figuratively. Sadl...

Articles - How can we help children with autism and what do they need?
27th March 2024

How can we help children with autism and what do they need?

Laughter, tears, silence, curiosity - peering into the world and the worldview of children is sometimes a real challenge. But it becomes far greater and more difficult when the symptoms of autism appear. A process that can take a long time, but the earlier the autistic disorder is identified, the more timely measures can be taken. This is because autistic children have very different and special needs from others. Moreover, no two children with t...

Articles - What are the main forms of autism and how to recognize them?
26th March 2024

What are the main forms of autism and how to recognize them?

Difficulties in social relationships, ineffective verbal or non-verbal communication and behavioural problems are the main things we think of when we hear the word autism. And as social beings this is perfectly normal. But parents of children with autism spectrum disorder might say that the non-social characteristics of autism are no less important and visible, such as atypical responses to sensory stimuli or a remarkable ability to focus on smal...