Articles - When is autism triggered and what are its causes?
25th March 2024

When is autism triggered and what are its causes?

We probably don't realise how many people around us (both children and adults) are affected by so-called autism spectrum disorders (ASD). And it's no...

Articles - Mental health and sports
21st March 2024
Mental health and sports

Mental health and sport - benefits, social networks and charity campaigns 1.How sport affects mental health Everyday life offers us many challenges. The way we respond to them is closely linked to how we perceive them. The best we can do for ourselves is to be patient and not behave negatively, especially when it comes to health issues. Let us now from the PavelAndreev.ORG platform draw attention to the following: Benefits of mental health and...

Articles - Psychologically healthy when you get married
20th March 2024
Psychologically healthy when you get married

Women's mental health: how to cope with the challenges of modern life 1.Mental health in women Mental health in women is an important topic that deserves more attention. Women face many challenges that can affect their emotional, mental and social well-being. Some are biological, such as hormonal changes, pregnancy and menopause, while others are related to social and cultural factors, such as discrimination, violence, poverty and stress. Acco...

Articles - Mental health in men
19th March 2024
Mental health in men

How to overcome stereotypes and talk openly about mental health in men You may have heard that men don't cry, complain or need help. You've probably thought that men are stronger, braver and more independent than women. Maybe you thought men were less susceptible to mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression or stress. But these are all myths that harm men's mental health and prevent men from living full and healthy lives. 1.Mental hea...

Articles - Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for pet burial
18th March 2024

Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for pet burial

Burying a pet is a difficult time for any owner. It's a time when a loyal four-legged friend should be sent off with dignity and respect. Whether it's the funeral of a dog, cat or other pet, every owner wants to ensure a proper final farewell. In this context, organizing a pet burial crowdfunding campaign can be one way for the community to support pet owners in their difficult times. 1.Where and how to bury your pet Choosing a place to bury pe...

Articles - Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for the funeral of a socially disadvantaged person
14th March 2024

Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for the funeral of a socially disadvantaged person

Social funerals: organising a crowdfunding campaign for the funeral of a socially disadvantaged person 1.Socially disadvantaged people and social funerals Do you know what group they call socially disadvantaged people? These are people who live in social isolation, poverty, discrimination or helplessness. These people very often do not have access to basic rights and services. They are deprived of rights in health, education, work, housing, soc...

Articles - How to secure our missing funds for an inexpensive funeral
12th March 2024

How to secure our missing funds for an inexpensive funeral

Funerals are a part of all of our lives, but how much does it cost to send off a loved one? How do you plan a funeral ceremony without sacrificing the dignity and respect of the deceased? What are the key costs of an inexpensive funeral in 2024 and how do you optimize them? 1.Basic funeral costs A funeral is a difficult and expensive time for anyone who has lost a loved one. This is where the question arises: what are all the basic costs and ho...

Articles - 10 wedding anniversary gift ideas
11th March 2024

10 wedding anniversary gift ideas

Wedding anniversary is one of the most beautiful and meaningful occasions to celebrate the love between two people. It is a day when people reminisce about their wedding ceremony, the vows taken, the emotions experienced and all the dreams once had. It is a day when two people enjoy their relationship, their family, their friends and their achievements. It is an important day on which gifts are given that are a symbol of love, respect and gratitu...

Articles - Wedding decorations and charity for disadvantaged people
8th March 2024

Wedding decorations and charity for disadvantaged people

1.How much does it cost to decorate for a wedding and how do we make it more affordable and meaningful? Wedding is one of the most important and beautiful days in the life of every couple. This, so significant moment for lovers, requires a lot of planning, preparation and of course - budget. The biggest investment is for festive decorations. Decorations for a wedding include flowers, balloons, tablecloths, candles, lighting and other details tha...

Articles - Funeral rituals - how to procure our missing funds?
7th March 2024

Funeral rituals - how to procure our missing funds?

The moment when earthly life comes to an end is part of the naturalness of nature. The loss of loved ones is a real tragedy for all of us and brings with it the burden of organising the funeral ritual. That is why it is necessary to observe Christian dogmas, ancient customs, traditions and superstitions that have been preserved for years. Some customs are considered pagan, exaggerations from the true teachings of the Orthodox Church, others are C...

Articles - How to ask for financial help to organise a funeral
6th March 2024

How to ask for financial help to organise a funeral

How to ask for financial help to organise a funeral The Orthodox Church teaches us that death is the separation of the soul from the body. The Holy Scriptures (the Bible) show that when "man goes to his place forever," the body should "return to the earth as it was and let the soul return to God who gave it" (Ecclesiastes 12:5-7) 1.What is needed for burial The death of a loved one is always a difficult time for the bereaved, who grieve sunk i...

Articles - How to raise funds for the funeral of a loved one?
5th March 2024

How to raise funds for the funeral of a loved one?

1.How much does a funeral cost? The funeral of a loved one is one of the most difficult and painful experiences we can have in our lives. Apart from the emotional burden, such a separation can also burden us financially. The cost of a funeral can come out quite high and not within everyone's means. A number of factors contribute to the cost of funeral services, including the type of funeral (traditional or cremation), the choice of casket, cross...