Fund for treatment of children abroad - Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the LIFE for Marty campaign
8th October 2023

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the LIFE for Marty campaign

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the LIFE for Marty campaign. Amount transferred.

Articles - How to Plan a Crowdfunding Campaign to Adopt a Child
6th October 2023
How to Plan a Crowdfunding Campaign to Adopt a Child

"If you don't have children, you can't cry!" says a wise proverb from Japan. And, if you're the kind of person who doesn't have the good fortune to be a biological parent, this topic might be right up your alley. Here we'll talk about how to plan a crowdfunding campaign to adopt a child, and many more questions that are often asked during the course of this challenge. Check them out: Table of Contents: How much does it cost to adopt a child...

Articles - The best tips and guidelines for raising funds to adopt a child faster
6th October 2023
The best tips and guidelines for raising funds to adopt a child faster

Adoption is often a long process that can be both exciting and frightening, even expensive! Here, we'll take you through the best tips and guidelines for raising funds quickly to adopt a child. You'll learn how crowdfunding can help! Content: How do I fund the process of adopting a child quickly? What is a rapid adoption campaign? Is fundraising for adoption right for me? When should I start a crowdfunding campaign to adopt a child?...

Articles - Help for friends who are going to adopt a child and planning a crowdfunding campaign for adoption
6th October 2023
Help for friends who are going to adopt a child and planning a crowdfunding campaign for adoption

When family or a friend is in need, it's natural to want to help. In this article, we will look at one of these significant events, namely providing help for friends who are about to adopt a child. We'll also guide you in the process of planning an adoption crowdfunding campaign. Seehow to help friends who want to adopt a child and how to plan an adoption fundraising campaign in the following lines. Content: Helping friends who are going to...

Articles - Raising funds for adoption and dealing with the obstacles of parents who want to adopt a child
6th October 2023

Raising funds for adoption and dealing with the obstacles of parents who want to adopt a child

Adopting a child is faced by many parents who hope to provide a home and love to a child without a family. Despite the noble motives that drive these families, they have to come face to face with a number of obstacles. What are the most common adoption challenges? How can fundraising help? We'll talk about what adoption fundraising campaigns are themselves in the next few lines. Stay tuned. Content: What hurdles face parents who want to adop...

Articles - How to plan an adoption fundraising campaign
5th October 2023

How to plan an adoption fundraising campaign

Children are the ones who make our lives special and unique. Every parent knows this and has experienced it personally. But do you know how many people in the world are deprived of the opportunity to be biological parents? It is to support them that we have created this article, and it will give you answers to questions like. Here you will find useful tips and guidance on how you can start your own adoption fundraisingcampaign or plan one to su...

Articles - Rescue Mission: How to help the wounded during and after war
5th October 2023

Rescue Mission: How to help the wounded during and after war

In times of war, people's uncertainty, fear and anxiety about what is happening around them is immeasurable. Nothing is the same anymore and our whole lives are turned around 360 degrees. A different mode of operation is established and strict goals and objectives are followed to ensure the safety of the civilian population. Roads are blocked, a curfew is imposed and measures have to be strictly adhered to. All this is leading to chaos and fear a...

Articles - Help in war: concrete steps we can take
5th October 2023

Help in war: concrete steps we can take

Military aid is that which is given to help a country and its people in their defence efforts. Many countries around the world receive military aid to support the fight against insurgents, various terrorist groups and others. This aid consists of the provision of money for the purchase of weapons or military equipment. During hostilities, due to insecurity on the roads, supply lines for various products, such as food, medicines and other necessi...

Articles - Floods and pets: How can we protect and help?
5th October 2023

Floods and pets: How can we protect and help?

Aflood is a natural disaster, distinguished by its powerful and destructive force, which can take human life and cause great damage, in just a few minutes and even seconds. This situation is dangerous for both people and their pets. The best thing dog or cat owners can do for them, in the event of a flood, is to develop a safety plan and follow it. Understanding what to do before, during and after a disaster can help a lot. What to do before a f...

Articles - Do victims of a natural disaster - earthquake; flood; fire or other - need psychological support?
5th October 2023

Do victims of a natural disaster - earthquake; flood; fire or other - need psychological support?

Natural disasters are natural phenomena that are destructive in nature and scale, endangering people's health and lives and causing significant material damage. Typical examples of natural disasters are volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, avalanches, tropical cyclones, hurricanes and others. Increasingly, people fall victim to natural disasters. In addition to the material damage, destruction of homes and road infrastructure, they also have...

Articles - What it takes to make a crowdfunding campaign for secondary education successful
4th October 2023

What it takes to make a crowdfunding campaign for secondary education successful

"A good education is a stepping stone to riches" These are the words of Helen Keller, and we will tell you what it takes to give at least one child a good education and teach you how to make a crowdfunding campaign for secondary education successful . Content: Why crowdfunding campaigns for secondary education are more successful What concerns can arise and how to overcome them Fundraising tips Other ideas for donating to education tha...

Articles - The easiest ways to plan a fundraising campaign to educate children and young people
4th October 2023

The easiest ways to plan a fundraising campaign to educate children and young people

"Only educated people are free" - Epictetus With these words, let us start the topic of education of children and young people and how we can be useful. Doyou know how to set up a personal fundraisingpage to educatechildren and youth? Chances are, if you're going through this for the first time, you have hundreds of questions lurking inside of you. Don't worry, in this topic we will cover the most important points as well as the easiest way...