Articles - Organizing a fundraising campaign to pay for secondary education
4th October 2023

Organizing a fundraising campaign to pay for secondary education

You know what Gilbert Keith Chesterton said, "Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to another." Education is ess...

Articles - The best opportunities to fund the education of children and young people without parents
4th October 2023
The best opportunities to fund the education of children and young people without parents

"A man who completes his education today, and stops to study tomorrow, will find himself uneducated the day after tomorrow."-Newton Baker If you want to do a good deed, you've come to the right place. Today we're going to talk about the best options to fund the education of children and youth without parents. And, if you're still wondering what brought you to this page, we're telling you - your kind heart and unquenchable spirit to seek out new...

Articles - How to request donations for a child in need of funds to continue their secondary education
4th October 2023
How to request donations for a child in need of funds to continue their secondary education

"Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not just preparation for life, but life itself."-John Dewey. Fact: Secondary education is not free. Many times the cost is prohibitive for parents and dozens, even hundreds of children, remain ignorant these days. Let's look at how we can help a child in need of funds to continue their secondary education. Content: Why it is important for every child to have a secondary educa...

Articles - How much secondary education costs and how to help more children have a real chance
3rd October 2023
How much secondary education costs and how to help more children have a real chance

"The education of a child must begin at least 100 years before he is born."- Oliver Wendell Holmes And, if you don't completely agree with the words of the American doctor, lecturer, professor, poet and writer, then we suggest you don't leave the topic. Learn how much secondary education costs and how we can help more kids have a real chance. Here you will also find the Pavel Andreev Foundation and a number of useful tips, guidelines on how to...

Articles - How to support the training of children and young people in an orphanage
3rd October 2023

How to support the training of children and young people in an orphanage

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."- Nelson Mandela Education is a fundamental, building block in the development and success of every child. It not only provides knowledge and skills but also develops intellect, mindset, creates social interactions and builds self-confidence in every individual from a very young age. These days, when the world is changing at an express speed, education plays an increasingly...

Articles - How to quickly raise money for the education of children from vulnerable groups
2nd October 2023

How to quickly raise money for the education of children from vulnerable groups

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."- Nelson Mandela In today's society, education plays a key role in everyone's life. It provides opportunities for development, self-fulfillment and achieving success in the future. Yet, many children from vulnerable groups, including orphans, refugees, underprivileged children from minority families and others face barriers and difficulties in accessing education. Content:...

Articles - What are the biggest difficulties in raising funds for children's education
2nd October 2023

What are the biggest difficulties in raising funds for children's education

"Those who educate their children well are held in greater esteem than those who merely create them, for the latter only give them life, while the former show them the art of living well."-Aristotle We begin the topic with these powerful words of the great ancient Greek scientist and philosopher, one of the greatest geniuses of Antiquity, who is called the "Father of Science" for a reason. Contents: Why we need to focus on teaching children...

Articles - How much money is needed for a young person's secondary education and how to help
2nd October 2023

How much money is needed for a young person's secondary education and how to help

"Just as an apple is not an apple in the true sense until it is ripe, so a man is not a man in the full sense until he is educated."-Horace Mann With these words of wisdom, let us turn your attention to an important topic - the education of children and youth. And while we all know that it plays a key role in the development and future of adolescents, providing not only knowledge and skills but preparing and shaping individuals, learning has its...

Articles - Psychological support for the earthquake: How can we help the choir to suffer?
2nd October 2023

Psychological support for the earthquake: How can we help the choir to suffer?

Earthquakes can be devastating. They vary in magnitude and sometimes cause very serious damage in terms of loss of life, severe material damage, destruction and destruction of infrastructure.The injuries that victims receive after an earthquake are not only physical but also psychological and emotional. Unfortunately, few people pay attention to this type of support in such situations, which we also believe is essential. These recommendations fr...

Articles - Flood communication: How to keep in touch with loved ones
2nd October 2023

Flood communication: How to keep in touch with loved ones

From earthquakes and hurricanes to flash floods, disasters can strike unexpectedly and at any time. One of the first things people think about in these situations is what the condition of their loved ones is and how they can contact them. Communicating with family during and after a disaster can be difficult due to communication breakdowns and lack of awareness. That's why it's critical to know what emergency communication plans are in place dur...

Articles - What earthquake first aid measures to implement: How to save a life
2nd October 2023

What earthquake first aid measures to implement: How to save a life

Earthquakes are one of the most destructive natural disasters, topping the statistics for the number of deaths and injuries, the volume and severity of destruction, and the amount of material damage. Rescuing people from an earthquake is very difficult and is due to the fact that it occurs suddenly, which seriously shortens response times, and in such disasters it is important to act instantly. Every second is important and can cost lives! The d...

Articles - Ideas on how to help a family in need.
2nd October 2023

Ideas on how to help a family in need.

Sometimes it can be very time consuming to get involved in fundraising through a charity campaign for a person in need. Things don't always happen as quickly as we would like. You shouldn't despair though, because an online charity campaign remains the best option to make as many people as possible aware of the situation and find help. In any case, don't lose courage or motivation even for a moment. Remember what your end goal is and that someone...

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