Articles - How to raise more funds for treatment through a crowdfunding campaign?
10th May 2024

How to raise more funds for treatment through a crowdfunding campaign?

Crowdfunding, or in direct translation from English crowdfunding, is a method of raising funds from different people, whether they are acquaintances or not. Generally speaking, it is a powerful tool that allows people to come together and support a project, cause or person. Anyone can participate as a donor, and the size of the donation is irrelevant. An online platform is used to raise funds, which makes the process much easier, and the crowdfunding campaign sets the target amount and the deadline for raising the funds. The choice of the platform to launch the crowdfunding campaign is also important. It is essential to find information about the platform and the campaigns, as well as transparency and clarity regarding the launch of a new one.

In recent years, this type of funding has become increasingly popular, not only in entrepreneurship but also in charity. Crowdfunding campaigns can raise funds for various start-up ventures as well as for medical treatments and social causes.

Why do people often need to raise funds for cures?

It's not a question of increased complexity, but there's no way to miss it and not pay attention to it. We are confident that everyone can answer it for themselves. Although the answers may be any number of things, they lead to a single truth. Different disease states, delayed diagnoses, inaccessible treatments, high medical costs, financial constraints, unstable incomes... When the unpleasant happens, the barriers and obstacles can be too much. Even one barrier can complicate everything. There are more than one or two cases where the costs are prohibitive for family and loved ones. But there is always an option.

Creating a crowdfunding campaign is one of the most effective options. When people are united, then every barrier can be broken. Crowdfunding makes the process of fundraising easier by allowing everyone, regardless of their economic status, to participate. This leads to a greater sense of community and shared responsibility, further increasing the effectiveness of the campaign. A well-planned campaign has a well-defined goal, provides clear information about the funds needed and demonstrates how the funds raised will be used.

Important guidelines for a successful online fundraising campaign for treatment

Undoubtedly, raising funds for treatment through a crowdfunding campaign can be a real challenge, but it is certainly possible. Even the skeptics know this... It's our turn to present the important guidelines that increase the chances of raising the full amount that is announced in the campaign. In order to get the clearest possible picture of them, we will look at them individually and tell you a little more about each one.

1. It all starts with a story

For most people, you are a stranger. In order to convince them to donate, you need to tell the whole story, right from the start, no matter how hard it is to tell. And remember, every detail is important and matters. You need to create an emotional connection with potential donors. Imagine you are the author of a children's book and your main task is to tell a story from beginning to end that includes various adventures, trials and tribulations along the way. Be precise, clear and specific. And remember! Every children's book has a happy ending. We trust the fundraiser for a cure will have the same!

2. Be precise when it comes to the campaign for a cure

Calculate the costs that are needed for the treatment. Then determine the total amount that covers them. When you are clear on how much money is needed, then you can announce the total amount in the campaign. In the description of the campaign itself, you can specify each expense by breaking down the total amount (item by item). For example: if the funds for treatment amount to EUR 50 000, this amount will be the total for the campaign, and in the justification itself it can be broken down by item: EUR 40 000 for treatment, EUR 5 000 for transport costs, EUR 3 000 for medication, EUR 2 000 for rehabilitation.

3. Determine the terms

As already mentioned, raising funds for treatment is a challenge that you have to deal with. Patience is essential because collecting the full amount may take longer than planned. Therefore, set a realistic deadline for the campaign to reach the goal. If treatment requires more immediate action, be sure to share this important information with people!

4. Choose a reliable crowdfunding campaign platform

By choosing a trustworthy crowdfunding campaign platform, you will ensure that you will not be tricked or scammed. As cliché as it may sound, we believe that there are still a lot of good people out there who willingly help out and donate amounts of money that are more manageable for them. And practice shows it. There is no stronger evidence than this to support what we have said! Through the PavelAndreev.ORGplatform you can start an online campaign to raise funds for the treatment of a loved one or friend.

5. Share the campaign on social networks

Social networks are an extremely suitable tool that can prove to be quite useful. Sharing an already established fundraising campaign on social networks increases the chances of raising the required amount faster. Writing posts to share the campaign itself is also essential, because as well as getting the campaign seen, it is important to put it into words.

6. Keep people informed of what is happening

Whether you have already raised all the funds for the treatment, or are in the process of collecting, keep people informed of what is happening. Create regular posts telling about the progress of the campaign and the condition of the person who needs treatment. This way you keep donors and future ones informed of developments.

7. Encourage people to share the campaign

Encourage people to share the campaign on the social media accounts they have. Consider the option of organising different charity events to support the campaign to raise funds for treatment.

8. Be appreciative of everyone

Last guideline, but not least. We know that anyone who organizes a fundraising campaign is grateful to donors. We also know that it is important to say and show this. So thank everyone who contributes to the campaign. Let's not forget how inspiring a 'thank you' can be.

Following these guidelines, or some of them, will help raise funds for a cure. Unfortunately, there is no exact formula that we can share with you and guarantee will work. Raising donations through a crowdfunding campaign, as you have seen for yourself, involves complex activities. Be proactive. It may look easy as we write it, but desperation will get you nowhere. We know this first hand.

Launch an online fundraising campaign through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

Above, we mentioned the PavelAndreev.ORG platform. If you are one of the people who are hearing about it for the first time, the following lines are just for you. Because the time has come to introduce it in more detail. With the help of the PavelAndreev.ORGonline platform you can quickly, easily and conveniently start a campaign to raise funds for treatment. It all starts with clicking on the "Start a campaign" button, which will guide you through all the steps until its successful creation. Since everything is transparent, the different pages on the platform give you the opportunity to learn more about the Pavel Andreev Foundation, find out how it works, and browse through different campaigns. There is enough information to help you get a clear picture of the campaigns and activities. Of course, if you have any questions or uncertainties, you can visit the Help Center on the platform or contact the PavelAndreev.ORG team .

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Start a campaign