Erfolgsgeschichten - Irene won, thanks to you!

Irene won, thanks to you!

Thanks to you, incredible people, a total of 245,252.3 EUR was raised, and after 20 months of battling neuroblastoma of the adrenal gland - Irene officially completed her treatment! Last week, the final chemotherapy session was performed, and the PET scan confirmed that little Irene is doing well!

What's next?

Her condition will be monitored through imaging tests every two months, and she will take high doses of vitamin A over the next nine months.

Currently, Irene is happy, far from the hospital, and enjoying her childhood! She has an upcoming MRI scheduled to monitor her condition, and each visit to the hospital costs nearly 5,000 EUR, so the campaign remains active!

🙏 If you have the opportunity to help again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You are the reason Irene's smile never leaves her face and she can enjoy her childhood!