Помощ за МАМА Ваня Help for MOM Vanya

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 0/0
191 Spender:innen
9704.44 EUR gespendet aus 30678 EUR
Ваня Николаева Иванова
Ваня Николаева Иванова
Ende in 127 Tagen
Disponible Summe
6304.53 EUR
Ваня Николаева Иванова organisiert Kampagne für Ваня Николаева Иванова
Ende in 127 Tagen
Disponible Summe
6304.53 EUR

Новини относно състоянието на МАМА Ваня News about the condition of MAMA VANYA

30. November 2024

Здравейте приятели на Мама Ваня. Отдавна не сме качвали нова информация относно състоянието на мама. Отново се нуждаем от вашата помощ и подкрепа,за да спасим мама❗️❤️ На 21.11.24 направихме изследване в Бургас, което показа, че основния турмор е намалял, но другите два НЕ са, единият от които е нов. Както се вижда от изследванията, така и от Турция препоръчват химеотерапия, която е нужно да се започне в най-скоро време, защото мама е с болки и болкоуспокояващите вече нямат ефект❗️ В очакване сме за офертата от Турция, за сумата от която се нуждаем. При получаване на офертата, ще я качим тук.Нуждаем се от вашата помощ отново❗️❤️ С ваша помощ ще успеем❗️❤️

Hello friends of Mama Vanya. It's been a while since we've uploaded any new information about Mama's condition. We need your help and support again,to save Mom<span class="x1xsqp64 xiy17q3 x1o6pynw x19co3pv xdj266r xcwd3tp xat24cr x39eecv x2b8uid" style="cursor: default; background-image: url(https://z-p3-static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t50/1/16/2757.png'); background-size: 16px 16px; white-space-collapse: preserve;" data-testid="emoji">❗️ <span class="x1xsqp64 xiy17q3 x1o6pynw x19co3pv xdj266r xcwd3tp xat24cr x39eecv x2b8uid" style="cursor: default; background-image: url('https://z-p3-static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6c/1/16/2764.png'); background-size: 16px 16px; white-space-collapse: preserve;" data-testid="emoji">❤️ On 11/21/24 we did a survey in Burgas which showed that the main tumor has decreased, but the other two have NOT, one of which is new. As you can see from the research, both from Turkey they recommend chemotherapy, which needs to be started as soon as possible, because mom is in pain and the painkillers have no effect anymore<span class="x1xsqp64 xiy17q3 x1o6pynw x19co3pv xdj266r xcwd3tp xat24cr x39eecv x2b8uid" style="cursor: default; background-image: url('https://z-p3-static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t50/1/16/2757.png'); background-size: 16px 16px; white-space-collapse: preserve;" data-testid="emoji">❗️ We are waiting for the offer from Turkey for the amount we need. Upon receipt of the offer, we will upload it here.We need your help again<span class="x1xsqp64 xiy17q3 x1o6pynw x19co3pv xdj266r xcwd3tp xat24cr x39eecv x2b8uid" style="cursor: default; background-image: url('https://z-p3-static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t50/1/16/2757.png'); background-size: 16px 16px; white-space-collapse: preserve;" data-testid="emoji">❗️ <span class="x1xsqp64 xiy17q3 x1o6pynw x19co3pv xdj266r xcwd3tp xat24cr x39eecv x2b8uid" style="cursor: default; background-image: url('https://z-p3-static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6c/1/16/2764.png'); background-size: 16px 16px; white-space-collapse: preserve;" data-testid=³"emoji³">❤️ With your help, we will be able to<span class=³"x1xsqp64 xiy17q3 x1o6pynw x19co3pv xdj266r xcwd3tp xat24cr x39eecv x2b8uid³" style=³"cursor: default; background-image: url(³'https://z-p3-static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t50/1/16/2757.png'); background-size: 16px 16px; white-space-collapse: preserve;" data-testid=³"emoji³">❗️ <span class=³"x1xsqp64 xiy17q3 x1o6pynw x19co3pv xdj266r xcwd3tp xat24cr x39eecv x2b8uid³" style=³"cursor: default; background-image: url(³'https://z-p3-static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6c/1/16/2764.png'); background-size: 16px 16px; white-space-collapse: preserve;" data-testid="emoji">❤️

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