Помощ за Кали Help for Kali

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 1/8

Помощ за Кали Help for Kali

588 Spender:innen
45710.87 EUR gespendet aus 140026 EUR
Катерина Антонова
Калояна Енчева Енчева
Ende in 84 Tagen
Disponible Summe
7314.53 EUR
Катерина Антонова organisiert Kampagne für Калояна Енчева Енчева
Ende in 84 Tagen
Disponible Summe
7314.53 EUR


Споделяме ви историята на Калояна Енчева на 17 години от град Добрич. Кали се изправя за втори път срещу диагнозата рак след като през 2014г, когато е едва на 8годинки, е оперирана от тумор в мозъка. След операциите и леченията обаче тя губи своето зрение и възможността да се движи самостоятелно. Сега тя е с постоянен придружител нейната майка и не може да се движи без патерици или инвалидна количка.

Началото на тази година за нея започва с оплаквания от хрема, сълзене на лявото око и главоболие, които след редица изследвания и прегледи в град Добрич и Варна заключват диагноза раково образование на левия синус.

За съжаление тумора е силно агресивен и бързо разрастващ се зад лявото око и по лявата част на черепа.

Кали се нуждае от спешна операция и лечение в Турция, където болница ACIBADEM MASLAK дава шанс за живот на цена от 80 000евро. Ще са нужни 1 или 2 операции за премахването на образованието, като дата не може да се насрочи, докато парите не се съберат и преведат към болницата.

За съжаление семейството ѝ няма възможност да заплати животоспасяващото лечение и има нужда от финансова помощ.

Моля Ви, помогнете на Кали да живее.


We share with you the story of Kaloyana Encheva, 17 years old from the city of Dobrich, who is facing a cancer diagnosis for the second time. The beginning of this year for her began with complaints of a runny nose, tearing in the left eye and headache, which after a number of tests and examinations in the city of Dobrich and Varna concluded a diagnosis of cancer of the left sinus. Unfortunately, the tumor is highly aggressive and rapidly growing behind the left eye and on the left side of the skull. Kali needs urgent surgery and treatment in Turkey, where ACIBADEM MASLAK hospital gives a chance for life at a price of 80,000 euros. It will take 1 or 2 operations to remove the education, a date cannot be set until the money is collected and transferred to the hospital.Unfortunately, her family cannot afford the life-saving treatment and needs financial assistance. Callie is facing a cancer diagnosis for the second time after she was operated on for a brain tumor in 2014, when she was only 8 years old. However, after the surgeries and treatments, she lost her sight and the ability to move independently. She is now constantly accompanied by her mother and cannot get around without crutches or a wheelchair.


We would like to share with you the story of Kaloyana Encheva, 17 years old from Dobrich. Kali is facing her second cancer diagnosis after she had surgery for a brain tumor in 2014 when she was only 8 years old. However, after the surgeries and treatments, she lost her sight and the ability to move independently. She is now permanently accompanied by her mother and cannot move without crutches or a wheelchair.

The beginning of this year started for her with complaints of a runny nose, tearing of the left eye and headaches, which after a number of tests and examinations in Dobrich and Varna concluded a diagnosis of cancer of the left sinus.

Unfortunately the tumour is highly aggressive and rapidly growing behind the left eye and on the left side of the skull.

Kali needs urgent surgery and treatment in Turkey, where ACIBADEM MASLAK hospital is giving her a chance for life at a cost of 80,000 Euros. It will take 1 or 2 surgeries to remove the education, a date cannot be scheduled until the money is raised and transferred to the hospital.

Unfortunately her family is unable to pay for the life-saving treatment and need financial help.

Please help Kali live.


We share with you the story of Kaloyana Encheva, 17 years old from the city of Dobrich, who is facing a cancer diagnosis for the second time. The beginning of this year for her began with complaints of a runny nose, tearing in the left eye and headache, which after a number of tests and examinations in the city of Dobrich and Varna concluded a diagnosis of cancer of the left sinus. Unfortunately, the tumor is highly aggressive and rapidly growing behind the left eye and on the left side of the skull. Kali needs urgent surgery and treatment in Turkey, where ACIBADEM MASLAK hospital gives a chance for life at a price of 80,000 euros. It will take 1 or 2 operations to remove the education, a date cannot be set until the money is collected and transferred to the hospital.Unfortunately, her family cannot afford the life-saving treatment and needs financial assistance. Callie is facing a cancer diagnosis for the second time after she was operated on for a brain tumor in 2014, when she was only 8 years old. However, after the surgeries and treatments, she lost her sight and the ability to move independently. She is now constantly accompanied by her mother and cannot get around without crutches or a wheelchair.

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Катерина Антонова organisiert Kampagne für Калояна Енчева Енчева
Здравейте, изискваме плащане по престоя на Кали. Очакваме резултати от изследвания заедно с които да споделим нова информация за Кали с вас. Благодари... Hi, we require payment on Cali's stay. We are awaiting test results to share new information about Kali with you. Thank you for your support!
2352 EUR Zahlung auf Rechnung
20 EUR Transaktionsgebühr
12. Dezember 2024
Катерина Антонова organisiert Kampagne für Калояна Енчева Енчева
Здравейте, изискваме плащане по месечния престои на Кали. Благодарим ви! Hi, we require payment on Cali's monthly stay. Thank you!
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20 EUR Transaktionsgebühr
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Катерина Антонова organisiert Kampagne für Калояна Енчева Енчева
Новини за Кали News for Kali
Здравейте мили хора!   Лечението на Калояна продължава... След като приключи 8 ми курс от химиотерапията беше направен контролен 5 скенер. За съжале... Hello dear people! Kaloyana's treatment continues... After finishing my 8th course of chemotherapy I had a follow-up 5 scan. Unfortunately what the...
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