Моля помогнете на майка ни Мария Please help our mother Maria

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 0/0
196 Spender:innen
12244.74 EUR gespendet aus 50000 EUR
Daniela Ilieva
Мария Шилигарова
Ende in 49 Tagen
Disponible Summe
91.79 EUR
Daniela Ilieva organisiert Kampagne für Мария Шилигарова
Ende in 49 Tagen
Disponible Summe
91.79 EUR

We’ve arrived and the clinic and started treatment today-June 25/В клиниката сме и започнахме лечение днес, 25 Юни We've arrived and the clinic and started treatment today-June 25/ We're at the clinic and started treatment today, June 25

25. Juni 2024

Read in Bulgarian below (Прочети на български по-надолу) Hi everyone, we’ve arrived safely in Istanbul yesterday and after a full day of labs and scans we had a consultation with two of the doctors. They’ve assured us that they’ve had worse patients than my mom that got healed and are in remission for few years now so we’re very optimistic and hopeful that with God’s will and everyone’s support and prayers my mom would heal too :)! Today we started the treatment protocol - first, she’ll do an oxygen therapy for an hour (the update picture shows the machine…pressurized one…my mom’s quite the hero ;) …this is not for a claustrophobic person)​…later they’ll do other metabolically supportive therapies . Everyone here is more than amazing, they take us back and forth from and to the hotel and wherever else is needed, we’re surrounded by kindness and compassion. I’ll keep posting updates as we go. Until then, thank you all for the great support, endless words of encouragement and all the love and prayers. Blessings from Istanbul!


Здравейте на всички, вчера пристигнахме в Истанбул и след дълъг ден на изследвания и скенери имахме консултация с двама от лекарите. Те споделиха, че са имали и имат пациенти в по-лошо състояние от майка ми и са се оправили и са в ремисия от години…така че с Божията воля и подкрепата от всички вас, безкрайните молитви и окуражителни думи, вярваме че и майка ми ще оздравее. Днес започна лечебният протокол - снимката по-горе е от машина за кислородна терапия (1 час процедура - майка ми е героиня, това не е за хора с клаустрофобия…), след това ще има други метаболично-насочени терапии. Всички тук са невероятни - вземат ни и ни карат където е необходимо, заобиколени сме с големи грижи и подкрепа. Ще пробвам да добавям още новини, когато мога (интернета не е от най-добрите). Благодарим ви отново на всички от сърце за молитвите, подкрепата и окуражителните думи. Бъдете благословени!

Read in Bulgarian below Hi everyone, we've arrived safely in Istanbul yesterday and after a full day of labs and scans we had a consultation with two of the doctors. They've assured us that they've had worse patients than my mom that got healed and are in remission for few years now so we're very optimistic and hopeful that with God's will and everyone's support and prayers my mom would heal too :)! Today we started the treatment protocol - first, she'll do an oxygen therapy for an hour (the update picture shows the machine...pressurized one...my mom's quite the hero ;) ...this is not for a claustrophobic person)...later they'll do other metabolically supportive therapies. Everyone here is more than amazing, they take us back and forth from and to the hotel and wherever else is needed, we're surrounded by kindness and compassion. I'll keep posting updates as we go. Until then, thank you all for the great support, endless words of encouragement and all the love and prayers. Blessings from Istanbul!

Hi everyone, we arrived in Istanbul yesterday and after a long day of tests and scans we had a consultation with two of the doctors. They mentioned that they have had and have patients in worse condition than my mother and they have recovered and have been in remission for years...so with God's will and the support from all of you, endless prayers and encouraging words, we believe that my mother will recover as well. Today the healing protocol began - the picture above is from an oxygen therapy machine (1 hour session - my mom is a hero, this is not for people with claustrophobia...), then there will be other metabolically-targeted therapies. Everyone here is amazing - they pick us up and take us where we need to go, we are surrounded by great care and support. I'll try to add more updates when I can (the interwebs aren't the best). Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for your prayers, support and encouraging words. Be blessed!

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