This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
Одобрено изплащане за лекарстваApproved payment for medicines
Продължилата шест месечна химиотерапия приключи. Предстоят още допълнителни изследвания като ЯМР, скенер на гърди и кръвни., вкл. хирургическа интервенция за сваляне на порт. Назначени са лекарства след операцията.
Благодаря за съпричастността, добрите пожелания и помощта на всеки един от дарите...The six-month chemotherapy was over. Further investigations such as MRI, breast scan and blood tests are to be carried out, including surgery to remove the port. Medications have been prescribed after surgery.
Thank you for the empathy, good wishes and help of each and every donor to this campaig...
146.77 EUR
Refunded costs
0.35 EUR
Transaction fee
23rd December 2024
Калинка Гергова
Одобрено изплащане за лекарстваApproved payment for medicines
Разходи за лекарстваMedicines costs
127.37 EUR
Refunded costs
0.35 EUR
Transaction fee
17th December 2024
Калинка Гергова
Одобрено изплащане за лекарстваApproved payment for medicines
Средства за лекарстваFunds for medicines
63.43 EUR
Refunded costs
0.35 EUR
Transaction fee
17th December 2024
Калинка Гергова
Одобрено изплащане за лекарстваApproved payment for medicines
Средства за лекарстваFunds for medicines
148.85 EUR
Refunded costs
0.35 EUR
Transaction fee
10th December 2024
Калинка Гергова
Одобрено изплащане към MLP SAGLIK HIZMETLERI A.S. ULUSApproved repayment to MLP SAGLIK HIZMETLERI A.S. ULUS
Плащане по проформа за лечениеProforma payment for treatment
1528.03 EUR
Payment of invoice
20 EUR
Transaction fee
20th November 2024
Калинка Гергова
Одобрено изплащане към MLP Saglik Hizmetleri A.S. Ulus SubesiApproved repayment to MLP Saglik Hizmetleri A.S. Ulus Subesi
Проформа за назначена химиотерапия.Proforma for chemotherapy appointment.
970 EUR
Payment of invoice
20 EUR
Transaction fee
7th November 2024
Калинка Гергова
Одобрено изплащанеApproved repayment
Благодарим на всички хора с добри сърца за подкрепата🤍Thank you to all the kind hearted people for your support🤍
Благодарим на всички хора, че ни подкрепят и са до нас в тази тежка битка❤️Thank you to all the people for supporting us and standing by us through this difficult time битка❤️
Лечението продължава, но се получи усложнение по време на терапията и се наложиха допълнителни изследвания и да се приеме венозно серум за подобряване на показателите.Treatment continued, but a complication occurred during therapy and required further tests and intravenous serum to improve the readings.