Помогни на Лео Help Leo

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Помогни на Лео Help Leo

36 Donors
1579.38 EUR donated from 2500 EUR
Елеонора Васильовска
End date
Ends in 10 days
Available amount
1579.38 EUR
Елеонора Васильовска is the organiser of the campaign
Ends in 10 days
Available amount
1579.38 EUR

Здравейте! Казвам се Елеонора и съм от София, а сладурът на снимките е Лео.

Лео е на около 6 месеца и преди около месец го диагностицираха с двустранна тазобедрена сублуксация. Нужна е операция, при която дясната му става ще бъде заменена с изкуствена. От клиниката ни дадоха ориентировъчна цена от 5000лв. Понеже тази сума не е по силите ни, се обръщам към всеки, който има желание да помогне с каквото може.

Накратко историята на Лео:

Моя приятелка го намери на 25.08.2024 г. почти на пътя между София и Перник (снимката му като съвсем малко кученце е от деня на намирането). Още на следващия ден го взех, тъй като от известно време бях решила да си осиновя куче. Той е много добричък, социален и гушлив.

В началото всичко беше нормално, докато един ден не започна да куца със задния си десен крак. След преглед при ветеринар ни обясниха каква е диагнозата. Рентгеновите снимки са от този преглед. След това състоянието му се влоши, но за съжаление нямам снимките от втория рентген.

Този проблем е вроден и се проявява много често при големите породи. Тъй като Лео порасна доста бързо (за 5 месеца от 4 кг при намирането му достигна 26 кг), това е ускорило и влошило положението значително.

Започнахме да внимаваме и наблюдаваме състоянието му, като намалихме продължителността на разходките, за да не се натоварва излишно. Около месец след първата диагноза ябълката на ставата напълно излезе и той не можеше да си стъпва на крака. Лекарите го оправиха и сега пие обезболяващи в комбинация с определени хранителни добавки и суха харана.

Потърсихме мнение от няколко места и информацията беше една и съща - докато е на обезболяващи, ще може да се движи горе-долу нормално, но състоянието му ще продължи да се влошава, както и болките. Въпрос на време е същото да се случи и с лявата става, ако не вземем по-сериозни мерки.

За момента единственото решение за подобряване състоянието му е да се смени дясната му става с изкуствен имплант. След възстановяване той ще има опора и ще може да се обърне внимание на по-малко засегнатия крак с по-леко лечение.

Надявам се това да Ви е дало някаква представа за ситуацията.

Благодаря Ви, че отделихте време да прочетете написаното! Ще се радвам ако споделите това с всеки, който би имал желание да помогне.


Hello! My name is Eleonora, and I’m from Sofia. The sweetheart in the photos is Leo.

Leo is about 6 months old, and about a month ago, he was diagnosed with bilateral hip subluxation. He needs surgery to replace his right joint with an artificial one. The clinic provided us with an estimated cost of 5000 BGN. Since this amount is currently beyond our means, I am reaching out to anyone who is willing to help in any way possible.

A brief story about Leo:

A friend of mine found him on August 25, 2024, near the road between Sofia and Pernik (the photo of him as a tiny puppy is from the day he was found). The very next day, I took him in, as I had been planning to adopt a dog for some time. He is very sweet, sociable, and loves to cuddle.

In the beginning, everything seemed normal until one day, he started limping with his rear right leg. After a veterinary check-up, they explained his diagnosis. The X-rays are from that visit. Later, his condition worsened, but unfortunately, I don’t have the images from the second set of X-rays.

This problem is congenital and very common in large breeds. However, since Leo grew quite quickly (in 5 months, he went from 4 kg when he was found to 26 kg), this accelerated and worsened his condition significantly.

We started monitoring his condition closely and reduced the length of his walks to avoid overexertion. About a month after the initial diagnosis, the joint completely dislocated, and he could no longer put weight on his leg. The vets managed to fix it temporarily, and now he is on painkillers combined with specific supplements and dry food.

We sought opinions from several places, and the information was consistent – as long as he is on painkillers, he will be able to move relatively normally, but his condition and pain will worsen over time. It’s only a matter of time before the same happens to his left joint if we don’t take more serious measures.

For now, the only solution to improve his condition is to replace his right joint with an artificial implant. Once he recovers, he will have proper support, and we can focus on treating the less affected leg with a lighter approach.

I hope this gives you a clearer idea of the situation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this with anyone who might be willing to help.

Hello! My name is Eleonora and I'm from Sofia, and the cutie in the pictures is Leo.

Leo is about 6 months old and about a month ago he was diagnosed with bilateral hip subluxation. He needs surgery where his right hip will be replaced with an artificial one. The clinic gave us a guide price of 5000BGN. Since this amount is not within our means, I am appealing to anyone who is willing to help with whatever they can.

Briefly Leo's story:

A friend of mine found him on 25.08.2024 almost on the road between Sofia and Pernik (the photo of him as a very small puppy is from the day of finding). The very next day I took him as I had decided to adopt a dog for some time. He is very kind, social and cuddly.

At first everything was normal until one day he started limping with his back right leg. After a check up at the vet they explained to us what the diagnosis was. The x-rays are from that examination. After that his condition worsened, but unfortunately I don't have the pictures from the second x-ray.

This problem is congenital and occurs very often in large breeds. Since Leo grew quite fast (in 5 months from 4 kg when we found him to 26 kg), this has accelerated and worsened the situation considerably.

We started to be careful and monitor his condition, reducing the length of walks so that he would not over exert himself. About a month after the first diagnosis, the ball of the joint completely came out and he could not stand on his own two feet. The doctors fixed it and now he takes pain killers in combination with certain supplements and dry harana.

We sought opinions from several places and the information was the same - as long as he is on pain killers, he will be able to move around more or less normally, but his condition will continue to deteriorate and so will the pain. It's only a matter of time before the same thing happens to the left joint if we don't take more serious measures.

For now, the only solution to improve his condition is to replace his right joint with an artificial implant. After recovery, he will have support and can address the less affected leg with lighter treatment.

I hope this has given you some idea of the situation.

Thank you for taking the time to read what I wrote! I would be happy if you would share this with anyone who might be willing to help.


Hello! My name is Eleonora, and I'm from Sofia. The sweetheart in the photos is Leo.

Leo is about 6 months old, and about a month ago, he was diagnosed with bilateral hip subluxation. He needs surgery to replace his right joint with an artificial one. The clinic provided us with an estimated cost of 5000 BGN. Since this amount is currently beyond our means, I am reaching out to anyone who is willing to help in any way possible.

A brief story about Leo:

A friend of mine found him on August 25, 2024, near the road between Sofia and Pernik (the photo of him as a tiny puppy is from the day he was found). The very next day, I took him in, as I had been planning to adopt a dog for some time. He is very sweet, sociable, and loves to cuddle.

In the beginning, everything seemed normal until one day, he started limping with his rear right leg. After a vet check-up, they explained his diagnosis. The X-rays are from that visit. Later, his condition worsened, but unfortunately, I don't have the images from the second set of X-rays.

This problem is congenital and very common in large breeds. However, since Leo grew quite quickly (in 5 months, he went from 4 kg when he was found to 26 kg), this accelerated and worsened his condition significantly.

We started monitoring his condition closely and reduced the length of his walks to avoid overexertion. About a month after the initial diagnosis, the joint completely dislocated, and he could no longer put weight on his leg. The vets managed to fix it temporarily, and now he is on painkillers combined with specific supplements and dry food.

We sought opinions from several places, and the information was consistent - as long as he is on painkillers, he will be able to move relatively normally, but his condition and pain will worsen over time. It's only a matter of time before the same happens to his left joint if we don't take more serious measures.

For now, the only solution to improve his condition is to replace his right joint with an artificial implant. Once he recovers, he will have proper support, and we can focus on treating the less affected leg with a lighter approach.

I hope this gives you a clearer idea of the situation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this with anyone who might be willing to help.

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