🐈Да спасим котето Елин 🐈Save Elin the kitten

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21 Donors
191.62 EUR donated from 2045 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Ирина Данчева
коте Елин
End date
Available amount
Ирина Данчева organizes a campaign for коте Елин
Available amount

Елвин е вече здрав 17.07.23г Elvin is now healthy 17.07.23

17th July 2023

Приятели, поздрави от Елин, който е жив, здрав и щастлив!

Много Ви благодаря от негово име!

Останалите 191 лв. ще бъдат насочени за лечение на други котета с ФИП.

Friends, greetings from Elin, who is alive, well and happy!

Thank you very much on his behalf!

The remaining 191 BGN will go towards the treatment of other kittens with FIP.

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