This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
Анна Илиева
is an organizer for beneficiary Диана Русланова Илиева
Одобрено изплащане към ГМДЛ ГЕНИКА ООДApproved repayment to GMDL GENICA Ltd.
На Диана беше направен WES- тест( генетично изследване) по направление на нейния лекуващ лекар.Diana was given a WES test (genetic testing) by her GP.
1955.51 EUR
Payment of invoice
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
15th January 2025
Анна Илиева
is an organizer for beneficiary Диана Русланова Илиева
Одобрено изплащане към ЕЛИТ 17 ПЛЮС ООДApproved repayment to ELIT 17 PLUS Ltd.
Продължаваме рехабилитацията в «Елит17+». Работим усилено върху укрепване на крыстчето, балансиране и правилно позициониране на тялото на Диана!Предстои ни усилена работа, мили хора!!!Продължаваме да се борим за подобряване на сьстоянието на Диана.We are continuing the rehabilitation in Elite17+. We are working hard on strengthening the wing, balancing and correct positioning of Diana's body!We have hard work ahead of us, dear people!!!We continue to fight for the improvement of Diana's condition.
276.14 EUR
Payment of invoice
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
8th January 2025
Анна Илиева
is an organizer for beneficiary Диана Русланова Илиева
Одобрено изплащане към Елит 17 Плюс ООДApproved repayment to Elite 17 Plus Ltd.
Рехабилитациите на Диана продължават. Колкото и да ни се иска да виждаме по-често напредьк ,за съжаление магическа прьчица няма и всичко изисква постоянство и търпение.
Благодарим на всички Вас ,които ни подкрепяте и ни помагате по пьтя ни.Diana's rehabilitation continues. As much as we would like to see her more often, unfortunately there is no magic bullet and everything requires perseverance and patience.
Thank you to all of you who support us and help us on our way.