Да дарим живот на Ачо! Let's give life to Acho!

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
340 Donors
54183.14 EUR donated from 100000 EUR
Гергана Гюргенева
Ангел Димитров Героев
End date
Ends in 6 days
Available amount
3493.9 EUR
Гергана Гюргенева organizes a campaign for Ангел Димитров Героев
Ends in 6 days
Available amount
3493.9 EUR


22nd January 2025

Скъпи приятели,

Нашият скъп Ачо спешно се нуждае от нашата помощ. Той трябваше да проведе поредната си имунотерапия на 7 януари 2025 г.❗️, но поради липса на средства все още не е успял да я направи. Необходимата сума за лечението е 3000 евро – сума, която е непосилна за нас. Всяко забавяне може да доведе до влошаване на състоянието му…

🙏🏻Молим ви с цялото си сърце да ни помогнете да съберем необходимите средства, за да може Ачо да замине за Турция и да получи нужното лечение. Вашата подкрепа е безценна и може да промени живота му🙏🏻

Той е най-всеотдайния баща и дядо на света,заслужава да продължи живота си🙏🏻

Dear friends,

Our dear Acho urgently needs our help. He was supposed to have another immunotherapy on January 7, 2025 ❗️ but due to lack of funds he has not been able to have it yet. The amount needed for the treatment is 3,000 euros - an amount that is unaffordable for us. Any delay could cause his condition to worsen...

🙏🏻Молим you wholeheartedly help us to raise the necessary funds so that Acho can go to Turkey and receive the treatment he needs. Your support is invaluable and can change lives му🙏🏻

He is the most devoted father and grandfather in the world,he deserves to live on си🙏🏻

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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