
Articles - 100% transparency of donations to charity campaigns on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform
21st April 2023

100% transparency of donations to charity campaigns on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

For a very short time the PavelAndreev.ORG charity platform has managed to become recognizable and actively used by many who want to help and do good....

Articles - How to spot fake donation campaign organisations
21st April 2023
How to spot fake donation campaign organisations

We often ask ourselves whether the campaign we are considering donating to is genuine and whether we will end up being scammed and the organizers will disappear with the collected funds like smoke or divert a large part of them. It is trust that is at the heart of any successful donation campaign. Sadly, there are more than one or two cases where unscrupulous individuals abuse people's kindness and take the ugliest advantage of their desire to h...

Articles - 10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook
21st April 2023
10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook

Nowadayswe have many options for promoting a donation campaign, and inevitably the easiest, most convenient and free way is through social networks. Facebook is the leading one among them, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it falls into the "must use" category when it comes to internet marketing. You can use it as the main channel to communicate with your donors and through it, you can redirect them to your donation campaign that you...

Articles - Why is it important to help?
22nd February 2023
Why is it important to help?

Any charity campaign is doomed to failure without its volunteers and donors. They are the driving force, and it is up to them alone to reach their limits. Participation in any form in a charity campaign must be absolutely voluntary and selfless. The very fact that you are helping someone in need and being their support in this difficult time for them will bring you a certain satisfaction and sense of duty done. But what kind of duty are we talki...

Articles - 11 tips for a successful donation campaign
22nd February 2023

11 tips for a successful donation campaign

From the position of people who have a lot of experience with running hundreds of charity campaigns, the team behind the PavelAndreev.ORG Foundation will share 14 tips that will help you run a successful charity campaign. Over the years, we've learned what works and what doesn't work so well. We'll give you guidelines on how to not only organize your charity cause, but also the possible obstacles you might face during the campaign. 1. Raise fund...

Articles - A guide to successful fundraising campaigns
16th February 2023

A guide to successful fundraising campaigns

The hardest thing is getting started. This applies with full force to any new venture you embark on. You're probably reading this because you've never run a charity campaign before and you need some useful information and first-hand advice on the subject. The main driver of any charity initiative is the desire to help and the belief in doing good. Of course, it doesn't happen by desire alone, but you need concrete action. Anyone can collect dona...

Articles - I want to help a relative in need, but I don't know how
16th February 2023

I want to help a relative in need, but I don't know how

We believe that each of us has at least once been involved in a charity initiative and helped a person or people in need. The feeling of helping is like no other. Some campaigns touch our heart and we take them on as causes of our own. We are willing to do whatever we can to be of help. Especially when it's our loved one. It's one of the most harrowing situations you can get into in life. Only then do we appreciate and understand what true happin...

Articles - Help an elderly person through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform
16th February 2023

Help an elderly person through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

The Pavel Andreev platformis rapidly gaining a lot of popularity. This is due to the fact that people get the opportunity to make their problems and their causes public with a few clicks. Of course, in the 21st century, the easiest way to do this is through the Internet. That is why the founder of the Pavel Andreev Foundation strives to provide the best conditions for conducting charity campaigns in the virtual space, which is now an integral par...

Articles - What causes does the PavelAndreev.ORG platform support?
3rd February 2023

What causes does the PavelAndreev.ORG platform support?

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform is designed to enable people in need to get help. By guiding those willing to help who actually needs their help and support. Its creator firmly believes in the goodness of people and that true happiness is only possible when we help others to be happy too. The team behind the PavelAndreev.ORG platform does not believe that it is possible to live in joy and peace. Even if you have everything you need, if you know tha...

Articles - How do I run a campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG?
3rd February 2023

How do I run a campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG?

Charitable activities always deserve praise. We should not remain indifferent to them and belittle the actions of the organizers in any way. The good news is that they are gaining in popularity and more and more people are expressing their willingness to get involved in such initiatives. Any help would be helpful and it is always worth helping. Whether it be through financial means or otherwise, as long as you have the opportunity to do so, the s...

Articles - How to plan and organize a charity campaign?
1st February 2023

How to plan and organize a charity campaign?

Charity campaigns - these are great initiatives. But let's face it - there is a lot of effort behind the extraordinary results that can be achieved. We all know that organising a fundraising event, whether physical or virtual, takes a lot of planning and hours of work. So if you've ever wondered where to start, we can help. Here are a few steps to successfully planning any type of fundraising event. Setting a goal and budget Set a clear goal....

Articles - How to quickly raise money for a person in need?
25th January 2023

How to quickly raise money for a person in need?

Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to organize a personal fundraiser in just a few simple steps. Then share it on relevant channels to reach as many people as possible who are willing to help. An excellent way to do this is through the Pavel Andreev Foundation. Setting up a personal fundraising fund is much easier than in years past, thanks to the opportunities offered by the internet. Of course, it is always possible, and in some cases very...