Articles - Methods to deal with anxiety: How to recognize symptoms and help?
30th September 2024

Methods to deal with anxiety: How to recognize symptoms and help?

In the hectic everyday life, stress, anxiety and fear have become an integral part of our lives. Increasing cases of panic attacks, anxiety disorders, depression and various addictions show that mental health is more important than ever. Anxiety is not just another "bad day" or a temporary reaction to stressors. This condition can have a significant impact on anyone's quality of life.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the body's natural response to stress and threats. It is characterised as a state of worry, tension and fear. It is part of the normal emotional spectrum and can be helpful in moderation as it prepares us to deal with challenges and dangers. However, when anxiety is too severe or becomes chronic, it can become a serious mental problem that negatively affects our normal daily lives.

Symptoms of anxiety: 5 signs that we suffer from this condition

This condition can manifest in different ways, but some symptoms are more common and are easily recognizable:

  1. Constant feelings of tension and worry: The first and perhaps most recognizable sign of anxiety is a constant feeling of tension and worry. This feeling can be so intense that it becomes a constant companion in a person's life. People often describe this state as a feeling of "premonition" that something bad is going to happen without any specific reason for it.
  2. Difficulty concentrating: Anxiety can lead to significant difficulty concentrating. People often complain that they cannot focus on their tasks or are easily distracted.
  3. Irritability. They can easily get angry or overreact emotionally to small things.
  4. Physical Symptoms: The symptoms of anxiety often also manifest through physical signs such as rapid breathing, palpitations, profuse sweating, trembling and muscle tension, digestive problems and feeling short of breath.
  5. Sleep disturbance: Sleep disturbance is a common sign of anxiety. People have difficulty falling asleep or wake frequently during the night.

If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself or a loved one, it is important to seek help from a professional.

How to deal with anxiety?

This condition can be extremely distressing, but there are a number of techniques and strategies that can help deal with it. Some of the most effective methods are:


Meditation is a powerful tool for reducing anxiety. It helps to calm the mind and bring attention to the present moment.

Breathing exercises

Controlled breathing can have an immediate calming effect on the body and mind. One of the most effective methods is deep diaphragmatic breathing.

Physical activity

Physical activity is one of the most natural and effective ways to reduce anxiety. It helps release endorphins that improve mood and reduce stress.

Tips from professionals

Consulting a professional can provide personalized strategies for managing anxiety. Psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are particularly effective methods.

Social support

Talking to friends and family can greatly help alleviate the condition. Support and understanding from loved ones are key to emotional health.

The 3-3-3 rule for anxiety

This is a simple but effective technique that can help calm the mind and body in times of intense anxiety. This rule is easy to remember and can be performed anywhere and anytime.

The rule involves three steps that engage your senses and attention:

  • Look at three objects: Look around and name three things you see around you. This can be anything - a tree, a picture on the wall, a glass on the table.

  • Listen to three sounds: Listen and identify three different sounds. It could be the singing of a bird, the hum of an air conditioner, or even the sound of footsteps of people passing by.

  • Move three parts of your body. For example, you might shake your arms, move your shoulders, or turn your head.

When you feel your restlessness growing, you can immediately apply the 3-3-3 rule. This technique helps to distract from anxious thoughts and focus on the present moment. The method not only helps to relieve anxiety in the moment, but also improves the ability to concentrate and control thoughts.

5 charity campaign ideas to support organisations working with people suffering from anxiety

Organising charity campaigns can greatly support organisations that work with people suffering from anxiety. Here are five innovative and effective ideas for such campaigns:

1. Fundraising through crowdfunding campaigns

Crowdfunding is a powerful crowdfunding tool that allows people to raise funds for different causes and projects. Crowdfunding can also be used as an effective tool to support charities and to raise funds for individual needs for people suffering from chronic anxiety. Whether you want to run a campaign for charities or personally raise funds for a loved one's medical expenses, crowdfunding platforms provide an effective solution.

2. Online Auction

Running an online auction is an extremely effective way to raise funds to support organizations working with people suffering from anxiety. This initiative not only generates financial resources, but also raises awareness of the issue, attracting the attention of a wide audience.

3. Webinars and workshops

Organize a series of webinars and seminars on anxiety management by inviting experts in the field. Participants can pay a fee to attend, which will go to charity and help organisations working with people suffering from anxiety. It's a good way to raise funds for the cause while providing valuable knowledge and tools for managing stress and anxiety.

4. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Peer-to-peer fundraising is another innovative way to generate financial resources to support organizations working with people suffering from anxiety. By collaborating with different partners such as schools, sports clubs and other organisations, you can increase the reach and impact of your campaign.

5. Fundraising during coffee breaks

A fundraiser during a coffee break is a nice way to raise financial resources while providing people with an opportunity to socialise and relax. This idea rallies around many people's love of coffee and their need for a break to create an engaging environment where they can learn more about mental health and support your cause. Prepare a variety of discussion topics to capture the interest of participants. You can include mental health topics, stress management strategies, and more.

Start a campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG to raise funds to support organizations helping people suffering from anxiety

Launching a campaign through the fundraising platform PavelAndreev.ORG to support organizations helping people suffering from mental anxiety is an easy and affordable way to raise donations. PavelAndreev.ORG provides all the necessary tools to successfully organize and promote charitable initiatives.

The first step is to select theStart a Campaignoption, then the process is very easy and intuitive. It is important to choose an engaging, short and clear title for your campaign. Describe your cause in detail, explain why it is important to support people suffering from anxiety and exactly how the funds raised will be used. Include moving stories and specific examples to emotionally engage potential donors. Visuals are also essential - add photos to illustrate the issue and show how donations will help.

Set a realistic target amount that will cover the needs of your campaign. It is important that this amount is well justified and appropriate to the scale of the specific initiative. Next, set a time frame in which you want to raise the funds. Shorter campaigns are often more successful as they create a sense of urgency for funds.

When you have all the details ready, launch the campaign and start actively promoting it. Share the link to the campaign on all your social networks, email it to friends, family and colleagues and use the organisation's website. The more people know about your initiative, the better the chance you'll raise the funds you need. Post updates on the progress of the campaign and inform about related initiatives. This will create a sense of community and engagement.

After the campaign is over, be sure to thank everyone who donated to your campaign. Share with them specific results and the impact of their donations. This will encourage trust and motivate people to continue supporting future initiatives.

Start your campaign today at PavelAndreev.ORG to provide the support you need and bring peace of mind to the lives of those who need it most!

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