Заедно да помогнем на Слави Together to help Slavi

Tedavi, İlaç ve Rehabilitasyon 0/0
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33504.03 EUR 51129 EUR ‘dan bağışlanan
Светослав Валентинов Ценев
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103 Gün sonra sona erecek
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5188.76 EUR
Ивета Ценева için bir kampanya organize etmekte Светослав Валентинов Ценев
103 Gün sonra sona erecek
Mevcut tutar
5188.76 EUR

Реакция от лечението на Слави Reaction from Slavi's treatment

29 Nisan 2024

Здравейте, дарители.

Искаме да ви информираме за текущото състояние на Слави. Лечението вече започна и изследванията показват добри резултати до момента, което е обнадеждаващо. Венозното лечение предизвика странична реакция във форма на пъпки, за които е предписан специален крем за облекчаване. Въпреки това, след последната вливка се появиха по-проблематични и болезнени пъпки, които причиняват ОТОЦИ в коляното.

Лекуващият онколог ни препоръча да потърсим консултация с дерматолог, за да се намери решение на този проблем. Консултацията ще се проведе при специалист от болницата, в която се лекува, Лив Хоспитал в Турция.Надяваме се, че след нея и съветите на дерматолога, ще можем да отстраним този проблем и Слави да продължи с лечението си по-спокойно.

Благодарим Ви за това ,че сте до него и му помагате в този дълъг път. Знаем ,че заедно ще се справим и с тази трудна стъпка ,към негово ИЗЛЕКУВАНЕ !!!


Hello, friends🍀
We would like to inform you about Slavi's current condition. The treatment has already started and the studies show good results so far, which is promising. The venous treatment caused a side reaction in the form of pimples, for which a special cream has been prescribed for relief. However, after the last infusion, more problematic and painful pimples appeared, causing swelling in the knee. The treating oncologist recommended that we seek a consultation with a dermatologist to find a solution to this problem. 
🍀The consultation will be held with a specialist from the hospital where he is being treated, Liv Hospital in Turkey. We hope that after this and the advice of the dermatologist, we will be able to address this issue and Slavi can continue his treatment more calmly. 
🙏Thank you for being there for him and helping him on this long journey. We know that together we will overcome this difficult step towards his RECOVERY‼️🆘️‼️🆘️‼️

Hello, donors.

We would like to inform you about the current status of Slavi. The treatment has already started and the tests show good results so far, which is encouraging. The intravenous treatment has caused a side reaction in the form of pimples, for which a special cream has been prescribed to relieve. However, since the last infusion, more problematic and painful pimples have appeared, which are causing SCI in the knee.

The treating oncologist recommended that we seek a consultation with a dermatologist to find a solution to this problem. The consultation will take place with a specialist from the hospital where he is being treated, Liv Hospitals in Turkey.Hopefully, after this consultation and the advice of the dermatologist, we will be able to rectify this problem and Slavi will be able to continue with his treatment more comfortably.

Thank you for being by his side and helping him in this long journey. We know that together we will be able to cope with this difficult step towards his CURE !!!

Hello, friends🍀
We would like to inform you about Slavi's current condition. The treatment has already started and the studies show good results so far, which is promising. The venous treatment caused a side reaction in the form of pimples, for which a special cream has been prescribed for relief. However, after the last infusion, more problematic and painful pimples appeared, causing swelling in the knee. The treating oncologist recommended that we seek a consultation with a dermatologist to find a solution to this problem.
The consultation will be held with a specialist from the hospital where he is being treated, Liv Hospital in Turkey. We hope that after this and the advice of the dermatologist, we will be able to address this issue and Slavi can continue his treatment more calmly.
🙏Thank you for being there for him and helping him on this long journey. We know that together we will overcome this difficult step towards his RECOVERY‼️🆘️‼️🆘️‼️

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