Save karin and daughter Save karin and daughter

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Save karin and daughter Save karin and daughter

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7 Gün sonra sona erecek
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Salma Kampanyanın organizatörüdür
7 Gün sonra sona erecek
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Karina's life was Once, filled with moments of simplicity and comfort. She had a stable job at a small local bookstore, a humble yet cozy apartment, and enough savings to tackle minor inconveniences. But last year, a sudden illness struck her down. What seemed like a simple flu turned into a prolonged battle, draining my health, her energy, and her finances.

Unable to work for months, her modest savings quickly vanished under a mountain of medical bills and daily expenses. The bookstore, struggling itself, couldn't keep her position open. Her landlord, despite understanding her situation, couldn't afford to let her stay rent-free. With nowhere else to turn, she was evicted.

Surviving day to day with her daughter became a relentless struggle. Nights were spent in shelters or on cold, unforgiving streets. Hunger knotted their stomach, and each dawn brought a grim reality: she had nothing left. No job, no home, no safety net.

Isolation became her only companion. Friends drifted away, unable or unwilling to understand her plight. The desperation grew heavier, a constant weight on her chest, accompanied by the gnawing fear of what tomorrow might—or might not—bring.

Now, she stands at the edge, a shell of who she once was, looking to the kindness of strangers, hoping someone might extend a lifeline. A little help could mean a chance to reclaim some semblance of stability—a meal, a safe place to sleep, perhaps a fresh start. It's a humbling plea, born out of sheer necessity, and I sincerely hope someone hears it.

Your support will give this mother and will go a very long way, starting by getting them food ,medication and then shelter to start a new life together

Thanks to you that contributed to their life

Karina's life was Once, filled with moments of simplicity and comfort. She had a stable job at a small local bookstore, a humble yet cozy apartment, and enough savings to tackle minor inconveniences. But last year, a sudden illness struck her down. What seemed like a simple flu turned into a prolonged battle, draining my health, her energy, and her finances.

Unable to work for months, her modest savings quickly vanished under a mountain of medical bills and daily expenses. The bookstore, struggling itself, couldn't keep her position open. Her landlord, despite understanding her situation, couldn't afford to let her stay rent-free. With nowhere else to turn, she was evicted.

Surviving day to day with her daughter became a relentless struggle. Nights were spent in shelters or on cold, unforgiving streets. Hunger knotted their stomach, and each dawn brought a grim reality: she had nothing left. No job, no home, no safety net.

Isolation became her only companion. Friends drifted away, unable or unwilling to understand her plight. The desperation grew heavier, a constant weight on her chest, accompanied by the gnawing fear of what tomorrow might—or might not—bring.

Now, she stands at the edge, a shell of who she once was, looking to the kindness of strangers, hoping someone might extend a lifeline. A little help could mean a chance to reclaim some semblance of stability—a meal, a safe place to sleep, perhaps a fresh start. It's a humbling plea, born out of sheer necessity, and I sincerely hope someone hears it.

Your support will give this mother and will go a very long way, starting by getting them food ,medication and then shelter to start a new life together

Thanks to you that contributed to their life

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