Подари Живот на Дими!Остават само 2 месеца. Only 2 months to go!Give Dimi Life!

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Подари Живот на Дими!Остават само 2 месеца. Only 2 months to go!Give Dimi Life!

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Юлия Нейчева
Дмитро Хаджиогло
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Юлия Нейчева için bir kampanya organize etmekte Дмитро Хаджиогло
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Казвам се Наталия, аз съм майката на Дими. Дими е роден през 2014 г. Цялото семейство много се зарадва на раждането му. Моето момче израсна здраво дете. Нямаше никакви отклонения.

На 2 години започнахме да забелязваме, че детето има спазъм в корема. Все още не можеше да говори. Случваше се рядко и за 5 секунди. Естествено като всеки родител се насочихме към различни специалисти. Бяхме лекувани от гастроентеролог, кардиолог, имунолог, невролог. Бяха направени различни скъпи тестове и изследвания.

През 2021 г. Дими се разболя по време на онлайн урок. Загуба на съзнание, след това дълъг сън. Състоянието му започна да се влошава. Появиха се: силен плач и смях.

Имаше постоянна умора агресия и проблеми с други органи. Отново се обърнахме към невролога (вече към друг).

Направиха ни МРТ и ЕЕГ. Беше 23 февруари, когато направихме МРТ. Научихме, че Дими има тумор в главата в недостъпна зона.

Беше като гръм от ясно небе. Мислех, че  при мен не може да се случи. Сменихме още няколко лекари.  Историята е много дълга...

Навсякъде ни гледаха като музеен експонат.

Hypothalamic hamartoma е много рядко заболяване. 1 човек на 200 000. И детото ми уцели това изключение.

Тумора се намира в много важен район на мозъка, който отговаря за жизненоважни функции като сън, жажда, глад, памет, температура, а също така дразни съседни мозъчни структури – ендокринната система, и най вече причинява епилептични припадъци.

В нашия случай парциални пристъпи. Тези пристъпи не позволяват на детето да расте и да се развива нормално.

За съжаление, гърчове, причинени от хамартом на хипоталамуса, не могат да бъдат лекувани с лекарства.

Може да ни помогне само операция. Клиника в Япония може да ни помогне. Моля всички, които не са безразлични, помогнете на моя син,

Помогнете и спасете живота му! Трудно е да гледаш как детето ти умира пред очите ти.

На 31 Октомври 2022, ако успеем да съберем парите, ще е хоспитализацията, а на 11 Ноемри 2022 ще е операцията. Много ви Моля за помощ!


Dmytro Hadjioglu
Donate Life to Dimi! Less than 2 months remain.

My name is Natalia and I am Dimi’s mom. Dimi was born in 2014. The whole family was happy with his birth. My boy was growing up as a healthy child. He had no deviations.
When he was 2 years old, we noticed that he got spasm in the belly. He was not able to speak yet. The spasm was occurring rarely and for 5 seconds only. Of course, as any parents, we contacted different specialists. The child was attending gastroenterologist, cardiologist, immunologist, neurologist. He underwent different expensive tests and examinations.
In 2021 Dimi felt sick during an online lesson. He lost consciousness and after that he slept for too long. His condition was getting worse. He started crying a lot and laughing a lot. He felt constant fatigue, had aggression and problems with many organs. We contacted another neurologist. Dimi underwent Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Electroencephalogram (EEG). On 23rd, February 2021 when MRI was done, we were announced that Dimi had a tumour in the head, in an unreachable zone of the brain. For us this news was as sudden as a thunder from clear skies! I have never imagined that this can happen to my child. We changed several more doctors. The story is too long… Everywhere they looked at my son like at a museum exhibit.
Hypothalamic hamartoma is a very rare disease. It happens to 1 person out of 200 000. And my child  hit exactly that exception. The tumour is situated in a very important brain area, which is responsible for vital functions like sleep, thirst, hunger, memory, temperature regulation. It also irritates the neighbor brain structures like the endocrine system. But most of all it causes epileptic seizures. In our case these are partial attacks, but they don’t allow to my child to grow and develop normally. Unfortunately, seizures, caused by hypothalamic hamartoma, cannot be treated by medicines. Only a surgery can help. The Nishi Niigata Chuo National Hospital in Japan can help us. Please, anyone who is not indifferent, help to my son! Help and save his life! It is so difficult to watch how Your own child is dying in front of Your eyes…
If we manage to gather all the money, the hospitalization would be on 31st, October, 2022. And the operation would be on 11th, November 2022. I am begging You for help!
<Donate – green button>

My name is Natalia, I am Dimi's mother. Dimi was born in 2014. The whole family was very happy at his birth. My boy grew up a healthy child. He did not have any deviations.

At the age of 2, we started noticing that the child had a cramp in his abdomen. He still could not speak. It happened rarely and for 5 seconds. Naturally, like any parent, we went to different specialists. We were treated by a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, immunologist, neurologist. Various expensive tests and investigations were done.

In 2021, we were treated for a number of diseases. Dimi got sick during an online class. Loss of consciousness, then a long sleep. His condition began to deteriorate. Appeared: loud crying and laughing.

There was constant fatigue aggression and problems with other organs. Again we turned to the neurologist (now to another).

We had an MRI and an EEG. It was February 23 when we did the MRI. We learned that Dimi had a tumor in her head in an inaccessible area.

It was like a bolt from the blue. I thought it couldn't happen with me. We changed several more doctors. The story is very long...

We were looked at like a museum piece everywhere.

Hypothalamic hamartoma is a very rare disease. 1 person in 200,000. And my child hit that exception.

The tumor is located in a very important region of the brain that is responsible for vital functions such as sleep, thirst, hunger, memory, temperature, and also irritates neighboring brain structures - the endocrine system, and most of all causes epileptic seizures.

In our case, partial seizures. These seizures do not allow the child to grow and develop normally.

Unfortunately, seizures caused by hamartoma of the hypothalamus cannot be treated with medication.

Only surgery can help. A clinic in Japan can help us. Please all who are not indifferent, help my son,

Help and save his life! It's hard to watch your child die in front of your eyes.

October 31, 2022, if we can raise the money, will be the hospitalization, and November 11, 2022 will be the surgery. I beg you very much for your help!


Dmytro Hadjioglu
Less than 2 months remain.

My name is Natalia and I am Dimi's mom. Dimi was born in 2014. The whole family was happy with his birth. My boy was growing up as a healthy child. He had no deviations.
When he was 2 years old, we noticed that he got spasm in the belly. He was not able to speak yet. The spasm was occurring rarely and for 5 seconds only. Of course, as any parents, we contacted different specialists. The child was attending gastroenterologist, cardiologist, immunologist, neurologist. He underwent different expensive tests and examinations.
In 2021 Dimi felt sick during an online lesson. He lost consciousness and after that he slept for too long. His condition was getting worse. He started crying a lot and laughing a lot. He felt constant fatigue, had aggression and problems with many organs. We contacted another neurologist. Dimi underwent Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Electroencephalogram (EEG). On 23rd, February 2021 when MRI was done, we were announced that Dimi had a tumor in the head, in an unreachable zone of the brain. For us this news was as sudden as a thunder from clear skies! I have never imagined that this can happen to my child. We changed several more doctors. The story is too long... Everywhere they looked at my son like at a museum exhibit.
Hypothalamic hamartoma is a very rare disease. It happens to 1 person out of 200,000. And my child hit exactly that exception. The tumor is situated in a very important brain area, which is responsible for vital functions like sleep, thirst, hunger, memory, temperature regulation. It also irritates the neighbor brain structures like the endocrine system. But most of all it causes epileptic seizures. In our case these are partial attacks, but they don't allow to my child to grow and develop normally. Unfortunately, seizures, caused by hypothalamic hamartoma, cannot be treated by medication. Only a surgery can help. The Nishi Niigata Chuo National Hospital in Japan can help us. Please, anyone who is not indifferent, help to my son! Help and save his life! It is so difficult to watch how Your own child is dying in front of Your eyes...
If we manage to gather all the money, the hospitalization would be on 31st, October, 2022. And the operation would be on 11th, November 2022. I am begging You for help!
<Donate - green button>

Daha fazlasını gör
23 Kasım 2023
Юлия Нейчева için bir kampanya organize etmekte Дмитро Хаджиогло
Трансфер на средства към фонда за лечние на деца в чужбина Transfer of funds to the fund for the treatment of children abroad
Дарение на средства към Фонда за лечение на деца в чужбина. Прехвърлена сума: 0.21лв. Donation to the Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad. Amount transferred.
27 Eylül 2022
Юлия Нейчева için bir kampanya organize etmekte Дмитро Хаджиогло
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Моля,да бъде изплатена суммата по банков пьт в сметката посочена в фактурата. Благодаря, Юлия Нейчева Please pay the amount by bank transfer to the account specified in the invoice. Thank you, Julia Neycheva
75995.96 BGN Fatura ile ödeme
153.39 BGN İşlem ücreti
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